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Emergency Obs. This year only six hires are expected

Emergency Obs. This year only six hires are expected
Emergency Obs. This year only six hires are expected

We are back to talking about healthcare, especially because there is a problem that is becoming a plague, that is, the lack of personnel. The unions are denouncing it and those experiencing a working environment that risks becoming unsustainable are the social health workers of the Misericordia of Grosseto but in general all the workers of the Grosseto hospitals. Nurses and Oss are continuously subjected to pressure due to the continuous requests to return to work or change shifts to compensate for absences or, even, to cover the shift of those who are, legitimately, on vacation. The USB openly denounces this, underlining the criticality of the Oss (Socio-Healthcare Operators): “Speaking of numbers, the hiring of Oss for the entire ASL is a pittance, from what we can see, that is, six for the whole of 2024 – says Stefano Corsini, head of health at the USB – who have become a sort of ‘multi-ownership’ and are often diverted to departments where they don’t even know where the normal materials for use are located and are, just as often, forced, even within the usual work shift, to provide service in multiple departments”.

For nurses the situation is no different. The lack of OSS, often diverted to other departments, leads to working understaffed and in fact implies the demotion of nurses who find themselves carrying out tasks that are normally not their responsibility. “This situation not only diminishes the skills and professionalism of nurses – continues Corsini – but increases and further worsens, in addition to the ‘usual’ work returns and missed rest periods, the load and working conditions and work-related stress. In addition to the OSS was denied, unlike what happens in other healthcare companies in Tuscany in similar emergency situations, the possibility of establishing projects charged to the company budget and paid with the fee foreseen for the additional activity. It was preferred to activate , for emergencies, the institution of ready availability with costs borne by the company funds of all employees”.

In the next few days, the USB together with other unions will meet to discuss these problems and the possibility of declaring a state of agitation to protect the staff, for immediate hiring, for the improvement of working conditions and safety is not excluded. “The health, safety and well-being of the operators – concludes Corsini – and the quality standards of the assistance offered to patients, should be the absolute priorities but the evident lack of staff is putting them at risk.

The Order of Nursing Professions of Grosseto also intervenes on the request to accelerate the entry into service of health and social workers (OSS) within the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority. “It would be very important – explains Nicola Draoli, president of Opi Grosseto – to be able to count on the entry into service of new OSS, also through the current ranking in place”. For the Oss, the hiring situation has been at a standstill for a while. “From the testimonies we collect – concludes Draoli – we know that in many departments the figure of the OSS is seriously lacking”. Currently, within the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority, the ratio between OSS and nursing staff has the objective of 33%.

Nicola Ciuffoletti

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