“This leaves the sidewalk in inadequate condition” – Torino Oggi

“This leaves the sidewalk in inadequate condition” – Torino Oggi
“This leaves the sidewalk in inadequate condition” – Torino Oggi

The president of the 5th district Enrico Crescimanno, has sent a letter to the councilor Francesco Tresso, on an issue raised by the district councilor Cinzia Redavidrelating to the roadworks currently underway on Via Viterbo, from Piazza Villari to Via Cesalpino.

Here, about two weeks ago, work began on restoring the sidewalks and asphalt that connect to the new library at number 169, which will be built with funds from the Pnrr.

“Specifically – we read in the letter sent by Crescimanno – the stretch of sidewalk between numbers 154 and 156, already in poor condition and without a retaining wall bordering private land, had been temporarily protected about two years ago with a safety net, after interventions conducted by councilor Redavid. During the installation of the net, the technical offices had ordered the owner of the neighboring land to build a boundary wall; however, despite the passage of two years, the wall has not yet been built and the owner has not been contacted again.”

“Currently – continues Crescimanno – despite the continuation of the work, the municipal technicians intend to restore only about 50 cm of sidewalk and leave the net as a temporary measure; This will mean that, despite the overall restructuring of the street, a segment of about 20 meters of sidewalk will remain in inadequate conditions, negatively impacting the aesthetics and functionality of the road.”

As Crescimanno explains in the letter sent to the councilor responsible for public works, immediately after the start of the works, councilor Redavid contacted the municipal technicians, to “discuss this situation and to ask why the works had begun without an appropriate inspection that could have revealed the need to contact the owner of the neighboring land again and proceed”.

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