Latina: New Corporate Act for Health – Draft Approved by the Conference of Mayors

Latina: New Corporate Act for Health – Draft Approved by the Conference of Mayors
Latina: New Corporate Act for Health – Draft Approved by the Conference of Mayors

Last updated on July 2, 2024 by Laura Rossi

The conference of mayors for health in Latinachaired by the mayor Matilda Celentanogave unanimous approval to the draft of the new corporate act of the ASL of Latina containing important innovations in the local healthcare panorama.

A Revolutionary Functional Area for Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health

During the meeting, the extraordinary commissioner Sabrina Cenciarelli presented a significant innovation that emerged after consultations with trade unions. This is the establishment of an interdepartmental functional area dedicated to Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health, aimed at coordinating actions along the agri-food chain to guarantee the wholesomeness of food and promote the prevention of nutritional diseases.

Unanimous participation of the Mayors at the Meeting

The meeting, attended by representatives of 26 Pontine municipalities out of a total of 33, recorded a broad consensus from those present. The mayors expressed support for the draft of the company act and underlined the territorial priorities related to health.

Approval of a Guideline Act for Health Governance

Subsequently, the mayors voted in favour of a policy act proposed by the mayors of Sperlonga e Campodimelewith the aim of underlining the importance of the construction of the new hospitals in Latina and South Pontino and the establishment of a functional area in view of the introduction of the electronic health record.

Cenciarelli’s Innovative Health Plan: A Turning Point for Latina and Its Territory

Mayor Celentano she expressed great satisfaction with the outcome of the conference, emphasizing the innovative and revolutionary nature of the proposed new corporate act. This plan, respectful of regional principles, aims to make healthcare facilities more competitive and attractive, encouraging the increase of healthcare personnel and ensuring quality care for all.

Focus on New Healthcare Structures and Approaches

Highlights of the corporate act include the establishment of the Department of High Neuro-Cardio-Vascular Specialties, the creation of a transmural Maternal-Infant department, and the implementation of new technologies such as telemedicine and artificial intelligence. The document also aims to promote integrated health-environment-climate programs in line with regional directives.

Latina Towards a Modern and Inclusive Healthcare

Mayor Celentano he concluded by underlining the importance of adapting healthcare to the needs of the territory, ensuring an effective response to the health needs of the local community. The new corporate act therefore represents a step forward towards a more efficient and proactive healthcare for Latina and its province.


Latina is a city located in Lazio, Italy. Home of the famous actress Sofia Loren, Latina is known for its rationalist architecture and its historical role during the fascist regime. Today it is an important urban and administrative center, with a strong economy linked to agriculture and industry.

Matilda Celentano is the mayor of Latina, a local political figure responsible for the administration of the city. The mayor plays a key role in defining city policies and ensuring the well-being of citizens.
Sabrina Cenciarelli is the extraordinary commissioner who presented the novelty of the establishment of a functional area for Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health. Her role is to supervise and coordinate extraordinary interventions in certain circumstances, such as in the case of innovations in the health sector.
Sperlonga e Campodimele are two municipalities that have proposed a guideline act for health governance, emphasizing the importance of building new hospitals and establishing a functional area. Municipalities play a fundamental role in determining local priorities and initiatives in the health sector.
This article highlights important developments in Latina’s healthcare sector, with the approval of new initiatives and strategies aimed at improving local healthcare. Political and administrative actors, along with mayors and officials involved, play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare in the region.

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