“I fell in love with a boy” – DiLei

“I fell in love with a boy” – DiLei
“I fell in love with a boy” – DiLei

Tommaso Zorzi He made himself known to the general public for his epic participation – and victory – in the Big Brother VIPbut not only. Zorzi is a boy with a brilliant mind, ironic and self-deprecating, also capable of dwelling on important and dear topics. Among these the coming out he made eleven years ago to his parentswhich he has often spoken about in interviews and on social media but which he has only shown to everyone today for the first time. An email that he decided to publish on social media on the day of Milan Pride 2024.

Tommazo Zorzi, the coming out 11 years ago

“I often talked about coming out to my parents by email but it was a long time since I could no longer find that email – he wrote in support of the post shared on Instagram -. This morning my father sent it to me and rereading it today after eleven years I think it is one of the greatest gestures of love that I did towards my parents. I find all the tenderness, the sense of inadequacy and the fear of a boy who has just turned 18 and is taking one of the most important steps in his life.”

He was 18 years old in 2013 when he decided to take this big step. In those words used not at all inappropriately – “tenderness”, “inadequacy”, “fear” – Zorzi summed up feelings and emotions common to many kids of his age and not only, who have tried with great difficulty to talk to their parents. It’s like taking a weight off your heart made up of many things: the fear of not being accepted, of being able to inflict a disappointment on mom and dad but at the same time the most important realization, that of being in love with another man. All faces of the same love which, at least in theory, should be a universal feeling free from any limit or prejudice. Free.

The email to parents Lorenzo and Armanda

The full text of Tommaso Zorzi’s email to his parents Lorenzo and Armanda is a quick read. “Dear Mom and Dad, I wanted to apologize for my attitude in Milan. As I hope you know, this behavior is not usual for me and I would like to explain to you the reason that led me to be so irascible and apparently unremarkable.”

The letter continues with the first revelation, the most important one, that of his falling in love: “I didn’t land on the 9th to be with Auri [si riferisce ad Aurora Ramazzotti sua grande amica, ndr], but rather to be with the person I just fell in love with. I’ve never been in love before and I’m not even sure I am now, but with this person I feel genuinely happy and completely at ease. I know I shouldn’t have lied to you, but I acted on impulse and found myself wanting to have two wonderful days without you knowing.”

A lie to hide so many fears that afflicted his heart, above all that of not being able to allow himself to be himself: “I am eighteen years old and I suddenly found myself living alone. Of course, there are many responsibilities, but I also feel (mistakenly) that I am allowed to do things that in Milan would never have even crossed my mind. I would have loved to be able to talk about it with you in Milan but I really couldn’t find the words. And even though I know that when you read this email you will be thousands of kilometers away from me, it is still difficult for me to talk about this topic. I fell in love with a boy“.

“I know how disappointing this can be for a parent, but it was so difficult to admit it to myself that when I finally did, I felt the need to tell you too. I don’t expect you to understand right awaybut I hope that one day all this can return to the normality of everyday life that I want to continue to share with you. However things go, it obviously remains a great love. Thank you for everything you have always done for meTommy”, conclude la mail.

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