A holding is (re)coming forward for Perugia — SportPerugia.it

Timenova’s press release: “A new offer has been presented that exceeds 8 million, with an investment of between 12 and 16 planned for the next three seasons”

The name of Timenova Holding sa had already come out a few weeks ago in other newspapers and had been associated with Grifo. The company attributable to Luxembourg legislation would have now issued a sensational press release, signed by the lawyer Antonio Di Tommaso.

There are incredible statements being made: from an offer of more than 8 million for the acquisition of Perugia to a minimum investment that varies between 12 and 16 million euros for the next 3 sporting seasons in relation to the category in which the club will compete.

The press release also mentions the name of Claudio Sciurpa and, although the names are kept secret, it is made known that a new organizational model for the future Perugia has already been structured.

Is this enough? Obviously not. There is also talk of designing a new stadium with direct investments and international partners. Read to believe:

Luxembourg 01/07/2024
Press release

TimeNova Holding SA, announces that today a new economic offer was presented to the ownership of Perugia Calcio by virtue of the recent approval of the court that reduced the debt exposure. The new proposal provides for a total amount that exceeds 8 million euros plus a bonus in case of B by 30/6/2026.

Furthermore, Avv. Di Tommaso has already included in the company’s industrial plan a minimum investment that varies between 12 and 16 million euros for the next 3 sporting seasons in relation to the category in which the Club will compete.

Timenova has already made contact and is stipulating the framework agreements, which will take a concrete form in the event of acceptance of the proposal made to Santopadre, for the design of the new stadium through direct investments and through financial and/or entrepreneurial partners of international caliber.

We then learned from the newspapers of the withdrawal of the Dr. Sciurpa group, to whom however we launch the invitation to join us in this journey of ours to lead the future Perugia, this company will never close its doors to those who have ideas and projects to improve the growth path of this important football reality.

The sports season has started today, for this reason Timenova has already identified a new organizational model and the people who will be part of it:

– Board of Directors: composed of 3 people

– DG – figure with previous experience in professional football, graduated in Economics with Master in Management, former Referee, registered in 3 professional registers: Journalist Publicist, Financial Consultant at the Bank of Italy and Sports Director at the FIGC

– DS – person with many years of experience as a coach in Serie C and qualified for the role of Sports Director for a few sports seasons

– Seg. Gen. – a man with long-standing experience, over 25 years of hard work in all professional categories from Serie C to Serie A

– Team Manager – professional with several professional diplomas obtained in Coverciano, has already worked in both amateur and professional football. He also boasts experience in foreign championships and youth sectors in Serie A clubs.

Timenova Holding S.A. 2,1253
AN 8212418

Attorney Antonio Di Tommaso

It goes without saying that everything should be taken with a pinch of salt: it is really difficult to interpret the real ‘core business’ of Timenova Holding sa with headquarters at Rue Nicolas Bové 1253 in Luxembourg (the only information that can be found online).

Who are the figures at the head of this holding? Perhaps a rather specious question, given that we are talking about a “società anonima”, a legal form that is absent in Italy but present in states such as Luxembourg.

What does it mean in a nutshell? It is a name used for companies that have such a fragmentation of the share package that they cannot be traced back to a single and stable ownership.

Yet a question immediately comes to mind and keeps us awake at night: why should Santopadre, after having effectively blocked the path of the group led by the well-known Claudio Sciurpa, accept this offer that appears as sensational as it is “interlocutory”?

Calm and cool, but what is certain is that we are facing yet another summer where we will talk about everything except football.

Nicholas Brillo

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