«300 thousand euros are missing». The (record) hit near Venice

«300 thousand euros are missing». The (record) hit near Venice
«300 thousand euros are missing». The (record) hit near Venice

SAN DONÀ – They will ask for compensation of over 300 thousand euros from the former employee who was skimping on the takings. The incident occurred last year in a well-known bar in the centre, and the judicial investigations are expected to close in the next few days. In fact, the one being sued on charges of aggravated theft is the former employee of a well-known business in the city.

The missing money from the till was filmed by the Carabinieri of San Donà (Venice) who unmasked it directly behind the counter, during a work day. The owners, being in the sector and managing other public places, had taken over that business in 2021, with a significant investment in the period linked to the pandemic. A nice business started, open for about ten years, a few steps from Piazza Indipendenza. Once they took over the business, however, the takings began to drop dramatically. Apparently no behavior that made the managers suspicious, who continued to have full trust in the employee, however without being able to understand how the decrease in takings was justifiable. The lawyer Marco Maurizio Soligon of San Donà put the owners on notice of possible incorrect conduct. «We coordinated with the Carabinieri with several meetings, explains Soligon. The unfaithful employee was discovered by them, also using some hidden cameras. This way they managed to catch her red-handed. But we had also noticed the shortages in the previous days.”


According to an assessment by the managers, in fact, almost every day the woman stole around 100-150 euros from the cash register. On the morning in which she was framed, some trusted customers showed up at the bar paying with banknotes that had previously been photocopied, previously provided by the owners themselves. The Carabinieri intervened about five minutes after the barmaid had taken service, and she was blocked and searched by the military. She had about 50 euros on her person, just stolen from the cash register. Enough to file a complaint for aggravated theft. But what led the lawyer to realize that the employee was unfaithful? «I just asked the owners how the business was going, explains Soligon. The answer was: “there are customers but there’s no money”, and after cutting some expenses the numbers still didn’t add up. Only the barmaid remained, who was considered by the managers to be “a person of absolute trust”, so much so that they would have put their hand on fire for her. In the meantime, however, it had emerged that the Financial Police had intervened with a fine because the barmaid had not given a receipt. The sanction was the first wake-up call. Without the receipt, in fact, it was easy to put your hands in the cash register.”

The complaint

The managers, therefore, turned to the Carabinieri Company at first with some doubts. The military’s investigations began, transforming simple suspicion into the certainty (and evidence) of being robbed. “It was obvious,” continues the lawyer, “so systematic that it could be considered a modus operandi.” And the bar’s budget was beginning to suffer from the lack of income, which skyrocketed after the lawsuit and the replacement of the unfaithful employee. The investigations had already been closed a few months ago, but a supplementary investigation was requested. The start of criminal proceedings is expected soon, accompanied by a request for compensation for moral and material damages.


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