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New corporate act of the ASL of Latina, unanimous approval of the Mayors

New corporate act of the ASL of Latina, unanimous approval of the Mayors
New corporate act of the ASL of Latina, unanimous approval of the Mayors

Latina, 2 July 2024 – The conference of mayors for health, chaired by the mayor of Latina Matilde Celentano, unanimously approved the draft of the new corporate act of the ASL of Latina, already illustrated on 18 June by the extraordinary commissioner Sabrina Cenciarelli and containing a novelty presented today.

At the beginning of the meeting, in fact, Commissioner Cenciarelli updated those present on the new content introduced after the prior consultation of the trade unions from which the suggestion came. The novelty concerns the establishment of an interdepartmental functional area of ​​Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health. This is an area of ​​coordination of the units that act transversally along the agri-food chain, an excellence of the territory, in all phases of production, processing, transformation, distribution, sale and administration of food, with a multidisciplinary approach to guarantee the healthiness of food at every stage, contributing to the prevention of nutritional diseases, in line with the objectives of the Strategic Regional Plan.

The meeting, held in the council chamber of the Municipality of Latina, was attended, including mayors and delegates in person and remotely, by representatives of 26 Pontine municipalities out of a total of 33. All expressed a favorable opinion. During the session, numerous mayors spoke out in strong support of the document, but also to highlight the related priorities at a territorial level. Those present also registered the request, addressed to the president of the conference, to call a new meeting for an update on territorial medicine and the state of the art of the projects financed by the Pnrr.

After voting on the draft of the corporate act of the ASL of Latina, the mayors also approved, by majority, a guideline act aimed at health governance, illustrated by the mayor of Sperlonga Armando Cusani and the mayor of Campodimele Tommaso Grossi. A document aimed above all at reiterating the need for the territory to build new hospitals in Latina and the South Pontino, but also the establishment, among the various guidelines, of a functional area in light of the introduction of the electronic health record and the digitalization of social-health services.

“I am very satisfied with the outcome of today’s conference – said Mayor Matilde Celentano on the sidelines of the session – The mayors shared Dr. Cenciarelli’s proposal on the basis of the same motivations that prompted me, already last June 18, to express a completely positive opinion on the document. The healthcare designed for our province, through this new corporate act, has a highly innovative and I would dare say revolutionary content.
“The proposed corporate act, as a legal instrument with which the Health Authority determines its own organization and functioning in full autonomy, is completely respectful of the principles and criteria defined by the Region – added Mayor Celentano -. It is a feasible plan and represents a challenge for the entire territory, because it contains the possibility of making our structures (physical and organizational) more competitive and therefore more attractive. The right ingredients to attract health personnel, which is what we really lack and which we hope to be able to increase as soon as possible. The corporate act of Commissioner Cenciarelli follows essential values, which are: centrality of the person, holder of the right to health; equal access to care for all people present in the territory, protecting in particular the health of fragile subjects, with socio-economic vulnerability, and migrants; valorization of the human and professional resources of the operators of the regional health service; development of research and training activities; continuous improvement of the quality of care and administrative activity”.

Mayor Celentano recalled the “strong points” of the proposed corporate act, such as the establishment of the Department of High Neuro-cardio-vascular Specialties which will finally see the activation of the Cardiac Surgery UOC in Latina, which will complete the virtuous path existing at the Goretti of assistance, care and research dedicated to cardiovascular diseases, the creation of a transmural Maternal and Infantile Department, that is, a department that integrates the hospital and the territory, the configuration of a single territorial Department, suitable for improving the integration between the various health structures, in order to ensure simplified access and a coordinated and continuous response to the needs of citizens, more adequate to the health needs of that specific territory. Furthermore, the mayor of Latina highlighted how in the document presented by Dr. Cenciarelli “there are elements for a new impetus of telemedicine, for the introduction of artificial intelligence and new approaches, not least that of the so-called one haealth (literally ‘one health’) to address inequalities and promote global health, with the creation of structures dedicated to the development and implementation of integrated health-environment-climate pilot programs in line with the indications of the PNRR”.

“With this act – concluded the mayor of Latina – we are in step with the times and perfectly in line with the new provisions of the Lazio Region, with a view to a healthcare system that is more responsive to the needs of the territory. This is the healthcare system that Latina and its province can aspire to in the short term”. It’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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