Supacell, Why Is the Creator of the Netflix Series So Famous? Here’s Who He Is

Supacell, Why Is the Creator of the Netflix Series So Famous? Here’s Who He Is
Supacell, Why Is the Creator of the Netflix Series So Famous? Here’s Who He Is

After the success of Baby Reindeer and the third season of Bridgerton has found a new ranking of the most viewed series on the Netflix platform number 1. This is still a British-made show, Supacell: unusual story of Super heroes set in the most dangerous suburbs Of South London. And what if the idea that ordinary people can suddenly develop superpowers It’s not totally new, it’s certainly the first series focused solely and exclusively on characters Afro-descendants.

The mind of Supacell And Rapmanhere in the guise of Creator, showrunner, screenwriter e director main character of the series. And if the name sounds new to you, it is one of the rapper most famous and influential of the English scene. The artist, whose real name is Andrew Onwuboluborn in London in 1989 to Nigerian parents, has already signed a YouTube series 10 million views, Shiro’s Storya success that earned him a contract with the legendary ROC Nation Of Jay-Z.

Even in the center of the three parts of Shiro’s Story there were the gangs of the London suburbs, the themes of revenge, loyalty, love and revenge, one of the leitmotifs that distinguish Rapman’s production. The condition of black boys and the clash between the gangs of Peckham e  Deptfordexperienced by the rapper in his real life story, had already inspired his first albums and the so-called Blue Story Trilogy (2013–2014), destined to inspire his debut film in 2019, Blue Storyawarded at the BAFTA Award.

Quoting Spike Lee but also Martin Scorsesand his Those good guys As one of his favorite films, Rapman wanted to portray a superhero story that was played entirely by black actors and that was steeped in the reality, violence and crime that dominate life in the London suburbs.

“When has there ever been an all-black cast in a British series? I’ve never seen anything like it.and – the rapper then underlined in an interview with Variety – I just hope it opens up new doors. I thought, if they let me do this, with all the gore and blood and surprise, maybe other networks will want to do something like this. I feel a lot of pressure, because this is not just about me, it’s about the future of British TV.”

And what do you think? Have you already seen it? Supacell on Netflix? Let us know your thoughts, as always, in the comments.


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