Torino transfer market, Ilic is not unsellable: with the right offer he can say goodbye

Torino transfer market, Ilic is not unsellable: with the right offer he can say goodbye
Torino transfer market, Ilic is not unsellable: with the right offer he can say goodbye

Zenit are keeping an eye on the midfielder and are working to build a high-level team

Among the players who could leave Turin in this transfer window is Ivan Ilic. The Serbian’s potential is well known, but in eighteen months his contribution has not been comparable to the important investment made by the club in January 2023. The Granata spent over 17 million euros to secure the midfielder, an explicit request by Juric to replace the departing Lukic.

Only 23 years old: there’s no rush to give up

As mentioned, however, Ilic’s contribution has been limited. The midfielder’s great technique has emerged only at times, in any case not to a degree sufficient to justify such a significant investment. However, the Serbian has his age on his side: having turned 23 in March, the player still has his entire career ahead of him. Toro is therefore in no hurry to sell: the club knows it has a player of great prospect in its squad, despite having only admired a very small part of his talent.

It’s not untouchable: it needs the right offer

This is why, despite not needing to sell at all costs, Ilic cannot be considered unsellable. The midfielder has had eighteen months at his disposal but has not managed to make the leap in quality, especially in terms of continuity. If the right offer were to arrive, capable first of all of avoiding a capital loss, the club would take it into consideration. And from this point of view, the path that leads to Russia and in particular to Zenit St. Petersburg should be monitored. The Russian club – although still excluded from European competitions – wants to set up a high-level team and is following the Granata midfielder with great interest. Zenit would not have liquidity problems and could present an attractive offer, which would include the player’s desire to settle in a championship that – until the end of the war in Ukraine – will not offer access to any European competition.


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