the results in the 13 municipalities voting

Milan, 24 June 2024 – Day of ballots: polls open today, from 7am to 3pm, to vote Mayor also in 13 Municipalities of Lombardy. Who will win among the various mayoral candidates?

Cremona is the only capital city. Then, Romanus of Lombardy (Bergamo); Clear (Brescia); Porto Mantua (Mantua) and two municipalities of Varesotto, Malnate and Samarate. In Milan, there are 7 municipalities voting: Cusano Milanino, Lainate, Novate Milanese, Paderno Dugnano, Peschiera Borromeo, Settimo Milanese and Trezzano sul Naviglio.


In Cremona Andrea Virgilio, an educator by profession, he is the current deputy mayor and municipal councilor with delegations to Territory and Heritage. He is supported by four electoral groups: the civic list “Cremona sei tu”, the PD, “Left for Cremona-Civil Energy” and “Fare Nuova Cremona active”. His challenger is Alessandro Portesani, current general director of the company “Il Cerchio med”. His experience as a founder of cooperatives, trainer and teacher is extensive. Five lists are supporting his candidacy: the civic “News in Cremona”, FdI, Forza Italia, Lega and Pensioners’ Party.

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Ballot in Cremona, who will be the new mayor between Andrea Virgilio and Alessandro Portesani?

TO Romano of Lombardy, Gianfranco Gafforelli, 71 years old, he is the centre-right candidate for mayor and his name is already known for having held the position of president of the province. To challenge him Paola Suardi, 45 year old employee and municipal councilor in the previous council (the outgoing mayor is Sebastian Nicoli), supported by the Paola Suardi mayor and PD list.

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Ballot in Romano di Lombardia, who will be the new mayor between Gianfranco Gafforelli and Paola Suardi?

Ballot in Romano di Lombardia, who will be the new mayor between Gianfranco Gafforelli and Paola Suardi?

In Chiari, Gabriele Zotti is the candidate of the centre-right coalition, outgoing minority councillor, supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Civica with Zotti bringing together Unione di centro, Forza Italia and Lombardia Ideale: he was chosen by 34.51% of voters. Domenico Codoni, outgoing councillor, he is supported by the ‘Chiari virtuous’ and ‘Chiari capital’ lists, chosen by 28.67% of voters.

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Ballot in Chiari, who will be the new mayor between Gabriele Zotti and Domenico Codoni?

Ballot in Chiari, who will be the new mayor between Gabriele Zotti and Domenico Codoni?

In Porto Mantovano, on one side, there is Maria Paola Salvarani who with 35.57% of the votes slightly preceded her challenger. The 40-year-old is a conservative official in the municipality of Castiglione delle Stiviere and is the candidate of the centre-right: she is in fact supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, Ridisegnoamo Porto and Civicamente Porto. It’s Vanessa Ciribanti – which in the first round reached 33.33% of the preferences – the centre-left candidate who will try to take Salvarani’s place: supported by the Pd, the Green Left Alliance, the 5 Star Movement and Generazione Porto, Ciribanti is a consultant with a passion for politics that has distinguished her for 25 years.

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Ballot in Chiari, who will be the new mayor between Gabriele Zotti and Domenico Codoni?

Ballot in Chiari, who will be the new mayor between Gabriele Zotti and Domenico Codoni?

Sandro Damiani on the pitch in Malnate, candidate of the centre-right (Lega, Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia and Ideal Malnate) who obtained 2,383 votes equal to 31.38% in the first round. The lawyer was already mayor from 2007 to 2010. Nadia Cannito is the centre-left candidate (Pd and the lists Insieme Maria Croci, The Malnate that will come, Viviamo Malnate), for her 2,100 preferences in the first round, equal to 27.65%. You are the current councilor for budget-assets-work with delegation to “La Città dei Bambini” and you also managed the delegation for educational services from 2019 to 2021.

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Porto Mantovano ballot, who will be the new mayor between Maria Paola Salvarani and Vanessa Ciribanti?

Porto Mantovano ballot, who will be the new mayor between Maria Paola Salvarani and Vanessa Ciribanti?

In Samarate, Enrico Puricelli, 59, is the outgoing mayor, candidate from the centre-right compact (Lega, Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia) which in the first round obtained 3,175 votes equal to 42.58%. Alessandro Ferrazzi is supported by the centre-left (Pd, Samarate Città viva e Giovamenti), voted by 2,177 Samarates, equal to 29.20%. Sixty-four years old, surveyor, former city councilor in opposition to the then mayor Tarantino.

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Ballot in Samarate, who will be the new mayor between Enrico Purricelli and Alessandro Ferrazzi?

Ballot in Samarate, who will be the new mayor between Enrico Purricelli and Alessandro Ferrazzi?

Head to head between two women: Carla Pessinasupported by the 5 Star Movement, the Democratic Party and other civic lists, and the outgoing mayor Valeria Lesma, supported by the united center-right. The former had obtained 46.6% of the votes, the latter 46.0%. The defeated did not sign affiliations or offer voting instructions to their voters.

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Ballot in Cusano Milanino, who will be the new mayor between Carla Pessina and Valeria Lesma?

Ballot in Cusano Milanino, who will be the new mayor between Carla Pessina and Valeria Lesma?

No official appearance but a clear indication of vote. A is in the leadAlberto Landonio, mayoral candidate supported by the civic lists Associations and territory, Landonio mayor, Democratic Union and Civic Pact Landonio mayor: he obtained 4,069 votes equal to 33.19%. With two mandates as mayor behind him, from 2009 to 2019, five years as president of the city council from 2019 to 2024, Landonio is aiming for a hat trick. His opponent is Danila Maddonini, deputy mayor from 2019 to March 2024, candidate of the centre-right, supported by Forza Italia, Noi Moderati, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and its civic list “Progetto Comune”, which obtained 24.94%, equal to 3,058 votes. Maddonini is banking on the fact that she could be the first female mayor of Lainate and on the support expressed in the last few hours by Donato Re, who came last in the first round with 440 votes.

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Ballot in Lainate, who will be the new mayor between Alberto Landonio and Danila Maddonini

Ballot in Lainate, who will be the new mayor between Alberto Landonio and Danila Maddonini

The outgoing mayor Daniela Maldini, center-left PD candidate (4 lists) starts at a disadvantage against between Gian Maria Palladino, standard bearer of the FdI and the centre-right which counts on votes from Lega, Forza Italia and Novate Civica: the former obtained 34.5% of the preferences, the latter stopped at 42.5%. Furthermore, Palladino should count on the votes coming from the voters of a civic list which, not without controversy, has allied itself with the centre-right: NovateSi Vive e Solidale.

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Ballot in Lainate, who will be the new mayor between Alberto Landonio and Danila Maddonini

Ballot in Lainate, who will be the new mayor between Alberto Landonio and Danila Maddonini

Just 611 votes separate Roberto Carlo Boffi by the outgoing councilor Anna Varisco. A runoff with a far from predictable outcome, after the first round already held more than one surprise. Supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega and three civic lists, Boffi took 47.5% of the votes in the first round. Varisco, supported by the Democratic Party, Sinistra per Paderno Dugnano, Italia Viva and three other civic lists, instead collected 43.6% of the preferences. It will be a true head-to-head match, without any similarities or indications of vote.

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Ballot in Paderno Dugnano, who will be the new mayor between Roberto Boffi and Anna Varisco

Ballot in Paderno Dugnano, who will be the new mayor between Roberto Boffi and Anna Varisco

There are 19,782 voters called to vote to elect the new mayor Andrea Coden (centre-left coalition with Pd, Movimento 5 Stelle, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra and the civic Peschiera Riparte) and Mario Orfei (centrist coalition formed by the civic associations Peschiera al Centro and Orfei Sindaco, Forza Italia and Lega). In their first experience as mayoral candidates, they went to the runoff with 39.39% and 27% of the votes respectively. No affiliation or indication of vote from the defeated Carmen Di Matteo, Andrea Scarpato and Giorgio Conca, who preferred to leave the choice to their voters.

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Ballot in Paderno Dugnano, who will be the new mayor between Roberto Boffi and Anna Varisco

Ballot in Paderno Dugnano, who will be the new mayor between Roberto Boffi and Anna Varisco

No relation and no indication of vote by the three excluded from the second electoral round. The challenge is between Fabio Rubagotti, center-left mayoral candidate in Settimo, supported by the Democratic Party, the Green Alliance and the Left, Settimo in Municipality for Fabio Rubagotti, Generazione Settimo and Movimento 5 Stelle, which in the first round obtained 43.69% of the preferences, and Ruggiero Delvecchio, center-right candidate supported by Forza Italia, Lega and civic lists Oltre and “Fratelli di Settimo” who obtained 23.72% in the first round.

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Ballot in Settimo Milanese, who will be the new mayor between Fabio Rubagotti and Ruggiero Delvecchio?

Ballot in Settimo Milanese, who will be the new mayor between Fabio Rubagotti and Ruggiero Delvecchio?

Trezzano’s left unites to face the run-off in the municipal elections. In the first round, the coalition that supports Sandra Volpe (Pd, Movimento 5 Stelle, the Trezzano civic lists with Sandra and Trezzano Oltre) reached 43.50%, against 49.12% of the candidate’s centre-right coalition Giuseppe Morandi (Brothers of Italy, Morandi mayor, Forza Italia, Lega and Noi Moderati). In the middle, there is the 7.37% obtained by Vittorio Ciocca’s Il Ponte-AVS list which is allied with Volpe who also received the vote indication from Italia Viva. Both coalitions will also have to take into account an important fact that emerged in the first round: there were 17,114 voters, 9,593 voted and there were 236 invalid ballots and 95 blank ballots.

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Ballot in Trezzano sul Naviglio, who will be the new mayor between Sandra Volpe and Giuseppe Morandi?

Ballot in Trezzano sul Naviglio, who will be the new mayor between Sandra Volpe and Giuseppe Morandi?
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