Samarate, Ferrazzi opens the doors of the town hall. And he is already thinking about the new councilors

Samarate, Ferrazzi opens the doors of the town hall. And he is already thinking about the new councilors
Samarate, Ferrazzi opens the doors of the town hall. And he is already thinking about the new councilors

SAMARATE – First day in the Italian flag for Alessandro Ferrazzi in Samarate. Having worn off the adrenaline of the victory of the centre-left enlarged by the alliances, the head is already turned to the formation of the council. But first of all, the symbolic act: doors wide open in the town hall. He had said it over and over again during the election campaign, a promise that was kept right from the start. In the next few days, the representatives of the coalition (Democratic party And Samarate Living Citybeyond Samarate al Centro, Five Stars and Samarate Insieme) will sit down with the mayor to evaluate the division of offices and their respective delegations. It will be inevitable to take into account not only the personal results obtained by the candidates. But also of the weight of the groups who – following the agreements signed after the first round – contributed to ousting the centre-right. Over all, Luca Macchi and that 14% of centrists who have literally shifted the balance. To the point of deserving (at least) the position from deputy mayor.

The distribution of seats

There are several issues that will need to be resolved. Starting from the division of seats – which are five, plus the mayor – based on the lists. The Democratic Party is the first majority party and also expresses the first citizen. In all likelihood he will have at least one other representative in the council, a choice that could fall on Cristiana Zocchi as a reward for the excellent personal result at the polls (117 preferences, the second most voted ever). But the Dems could also win for the second councilor. If so, the name is mentioned Rino Rigato, former councilor in Vittorio Solanti’s council.
Another place goes to the allied list from the beginning, i.e. the historical one Samarate Living City. If you were to look at the number of preferences collected (86) it would be a Giovanni Borsani, who moreover has been a minority councilor for five years. But also referring to the constraints of the female quotas, Ferrazzi can choose between two women. One is Cinzia Castiglioni, a name that goes around a lot as marketable. Then there is Rama Ottini, on which the mayor he has already shown that he is aiming. You did it especially on the occasion of the first comparison organized by Samarate civic notice board, when each candidate was accompanied by a woman present in the respective list. For the center-left there was, in fact, Ottini. That she stood out for having the ability to be part of the new mayor’s team.

Places for relatives

Then there remain the three positions on the council to be distributed among the related groups. It’s a given that for the Five Stars it will be Alessio Sozzi’s turn. Different chapter for Alessandro Cenci of Samarate Insieme: being the least voted list, it is not yet clear whether he will be awarded the department (the position is being played with the Democratic Party) or with the role of advisor delegate, a system in which Ferrazzi has decided to invest. And it is likely that other councilors will also receive a delegation.
And then there is Samarate in the Centerwhich has become the protagonist of these administrations. Luca Macchi is the favorite to hold the prestigious position of president of the municipal council. Doing so would leave the position on the council that could be filled or by his son Davideto allow him to gain new administrative experience, or more probably by Alessandra Cariglinowho not only was the most voted ever with 121 preferences but also boasts skills gained as deputy mayor of Leonardo Tarantino.

And the young people?

Giovamenti’s under 30 list was “sacrificed” on the altar of belonging. But the mayor has never denied that he wants to involve the new generations in administrative life. That’s why they could come back into play as a staff, a sort of “right arm” of the council that acts as a glue with the management part of the offices. Furthermore, the freshness of the girls and boys could be of help in the field of communication and relations with citizens.

How the majority changes

Clearly Mayor Ferrazzi will have a key role in the decisions. Much will also depend – as mentioned – on compliance with gender quotas, given that at least two of the councilors must be women. And the scenarios that lie ahead offer the mayor more options for choosing a team that is a mix of experience, competence and fresh forces.
In any case, the choice of the executive will have repercussions on the formation of the majority in the city council which has emerged based on the preferences obtained by the elected candidates. It is in fact clear that people will join the council who will leave a vacancy. As in the case of the pentastellati (it would therefore be a Elisa Vania Bergo) and – if Cenci were to become councilor – it would also be the turn of the Si civics (the position would go to Rita Di Bari). The same goes for the centrists (the first of the non-elected would enter Franco Trevisan).

Samarate, the 16 elected: the Macchi with father and son, Forza Italia is out

samarate ferrazzi municipal councilors – MALPENSA24
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