Carriera also risks trial

Carriera also risks trial
Carriera also risks trial

PESARO – Eggs thrown at the then Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, pre-trial hearing yesterday for four suspects. Three risk trial. It was August 23, 2021 when the Minister of Health Speranza came to Pesaro to inaugurate the renovated Andrea Costa municipal pharmacy in via Giolitti. It was also the time of the Covid 19 pandemic, mandatory vaccinations, lockdown, restrictions such as restaurant closures and the mandatory green pass.

The time of Covid

A situation that could heat up at any moment on the protest front. Speranza’s presence at the inauguration had not gone unnoticed and had been the object of protests by the IoApro Movement led by restaurateur Umberto Carriera. Yesterday morning he and three others appeared at the pre-trial hearing, to decide on a possible referral to trial before the single judge. According to the prosecution, a 33-year-old, a representative of the local “Domiciliary Therapies” committee, defended by lawyer Pia Perricci, would have promoted and organized the unauthorized protest via a Telegram channel. The same accusation also for Carriera, defended by Federico Bertuccioli, who is also charged with resisting a public official because he allegedly used violence against a police inspector who prevented him from approaching the minister, overcoming the barrier of the police forces. So much so that he is also accused of injury for having caused, in the fight, acute lumbago to the policeman, which is judged to heal in ten days. Finally, together with a 48-year-old man of Campanian origins and a 57-year-old man of Tuscan origins, they must answer for the crime of dangerous throwing of objects because they allegedly threw eggs and other objects to deface the premises of the pharmacy and disturb the participants.

The oblation

The 48-year-old proposed an oblation, or an alternative rite to the criminal trial by which, with the payment to the State of a pre-established sum of money, a contraventional crime is extinguished. The judge, in order not to separate the position and evaluate the oblation, postponed the hearing to September 20, the day on which he will also decide whether or not to send the other three defendants to trial.


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