bruises on his body, the carer next to him unconscious

bruises on his body, the carer next to him unconscious
bruises on his body, the carer next to him unconscious

Mystery on the death of an 81-year-old in Castrignano dei Greci, in Salento. The man was found lifeless inside his home. The tragic discovery was made by her daughter and her husband who, returning from a Sunday walk at the seaside, stopped by to visit the elderly man.

Found dead at home

Once inside the house, however, the man was already dead. In the house, together with the 81-year-old, there was also the caregiver, of Moldovan origin, in an unconscious state. Alerted by relatives, the 118 paramedics and the Carabinieri arrived on the scene. It seems that bruises were found on the man’s body. The Carabinieri have started investigations to try to trace the cause of death, also interviewing relatives and witnesses. Via Trieste was invaded by neighbors and acquaintances as soon as the news spread in the village.

The investigations

The elderly man has a deep lacerated wound to his head that would have caused a copious hemorrhage. At the moment it is not clear whether it was caused by a fall from the wheelchair that the man usually used or whether it was caused – as is hypothesized by investigators – by a blunt object. The Carabinieri coordinated by the investigating magistrate Luigi Mastroniani are operating on site and the coroner is currently carrying out a body inspection. From what we learn this morning, the 36-year-old Moldovan carer, as he usually does every day, had accompanied the elderly man in his wheelchair to the Lecce club located near his home. The two had stopped at the tobacconist, where the elderly man had bought a pack of cigarettes to give to the 36-year-old. The carer is currently under guard in the hospital.


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