Satnam’s death, the investigating judge: inhuman conduct – Photo 1 of 2

Satnam’s death, the investigating judge: inhuman conduct – Photo 1 of 2
Satnam’s death, the investigating judge: inhuman conduct – Photo 1 of 2

“Immediate assistance delayed with an effect determined by Lovato’s conduct and repeatedly requested by his wife (of Satnam, ed.), would have with reasonable probability close to certainty interrupted the causal course towards death”. This is what the preliminary investigations judge Giuseppe Molfese observes in the custody order, who issued the restrictive measure that sent Antonello Lovato, the 36-year-old from Latina, to prison for abandoning the farm worker Satnam Singh in front of his house, who died at San Camillo after two days of agony due to the serious injuries sustained in an accident at work in Borgo Santa Maria on Lovato’s farm.
The restrictive measure was requested by the prosecutor Marina Marra on the basis of the investigative findings collected by the Carabinieri of the Latina Company. Shortly after 2:00 p.m., Antonello Lovato arrived aboard a Carabinieri patrol car at the Provincial Command and is now in the barracks for all the checks required in these cases before being transferred to prison. “Regardless of ethical considerations (irrelevant for criminal law) that would also be required in the face of inhuman conduct – writes the investigating judge – and detrimental to the most basic values ​​of solidarity, it cannot be ignored that the suspect has intentionally and voluntarily ignored the probable consequences of his actions”.

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