What Happens If the Right Wins the French Elections? Le Pen’s Plans

What Happens If Marine Le Pen’s Right Wins the French Elections? The legislative run-off elections will be held on Sunday, which will be crucial for the formation of the new Parliament, given that only 76 out of 577 deputies were elected in the first round.

With 33% of the votes collected, the coalition headed by National Rally has turned out to be the most voted in the elections in France, but Le Pen will now have to be stronger in the run-off elections than the synergy between the left of Nupes ed Ensemble by Macron.

If the right, thanks to the support of part of the Republican Party, were to obtain a majority in Parliament, the president Emmanuel Macron could do nothing but appoint as prime minister Jordan BardellaMarine Le Pen’s young dolphin.

Even in the event of a narrowly missed majority, the Rn appears to be ready to give life to a minority government as the Macronians have done in the last two years. Barring a reversal in the run-off elections, the right would consequently seem destined to rise to power in France.

Ma What would change in France and Europe if the Rassemblement National were to win the elections on Sunday?? The plans of Marine Le Pen they seem to have been clear about this for some time.

France Elections 2024: What Happens If Le Pen’s Right Wins?

I surveys in view of the run-off elections they would seem to be uncertain: at the end of these legislative elections in France the right may not have a parliamentary majority, but the National Rally it could equally give rise to a minority government.

In this scenario Jordan Bardellaa young twenty-eight-year-old hand-picked by Mrs Le Pen to lead the party and who is likely to become the next French Prime Minister, has sworn in “defend the interests of France” on the European scene.

L’France’s exit from the European Union It is no longer a feature of the RN manifesto: the last time Marine Le Pen promised some sort of Brexit, she suffered a clear defeat in the presidential elections against Emmanuel Macron.

The right wing of the Rassemblement National today is very different from that of the past and especially from that of Le Pen senior, but Bardella would be ready to ask for a whole series of changes in Brussels starting from the agreements on free trade and from the measures regarding agriculture.

A further cause for concern for Brussels could be the position of the Rassemblement National on theimmigration and Islamas these views have previously been regularly branded as discriminatory.

At home, however, the ideology of the “national preference” of the Rassemblement National extends to the point of giving priority for citizens born in France with regard to health care and state benefitsthe party also intends to introduce a law to combat “Islamist ideologies” by facilitating the closure of mosques and the expulsion of imams deemed radicalized.

In essence if the right should win the elections in France He will not propose an exit from the European Union, but his demands could create no small amount of tension in Brussels.

As for domestic politics, President Emmanuel Macron has spoken of the risk of civil war: an exaggeration in all likelihood, but the recent street protests against the RN suggest that social tension across the Alps could return to very high levels.

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