Football Champion Gerard Piqué’s Kings League Lands in Messina

Football Champion Gerard Piqué’s Kings League Lands in Messina
Football Champion Gerard Piqué’s Kings League Lands in Messina

MESSINA. The Kings League of football champion Gerard Piqué arrives in the city of the Straitand the amateur sports association is making it happen Astropanda Social Project, a local reality that promotes amateur sport, making it accessible to all and free from the pressure of competition (here is the article on their objectives). After numerous sporting events linked to social activities and which included various disciplines, from five-a-side football to trekking, the boys decided to organize this event, called “Astro King’s Cup”in collaboration with the association Excelwith the aim of transforming this format into a regular event for the next sports season. The first edition will be held on July 13th at 4.30pm at the Cristo Re fields.

What is it? «The Kings League is a seven-a-side football format created by Gerard Piqué, who transforms football into a game full of emotions thanks to its innovative rules – explain the organizers – A one-day tournament in which the main protagonists will be lots of sport and lots of fun».

These are the rules (each team must be made up of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10/12 players):

1) Bonus/Malus Card: At the start of the game, the coach draws a card from 12 available, which represents a bonus or a penalty. Only the trainer knows the power of the card until the moment he decides to use it. The card can be played at any dead moment of the match and is valid for three minutes or until the team that owns it scores.

2) Presidential Rigor: Once per game, either coach can call a “presidential penalty.” In this case, the team presidents are called to take the penalty. This can only happen once per game, so whoever calls the penalty first precludes the other coach from doing so.

3) The Dice: At the end of the first and second half of regulation, there will always be a three-minute injury time. Before recovery, one of the Astropanda boys will roll a die which will determine the number of players who will remain on the pitch. For example, if the number three comes out, three players will have to remain on the pitch for each team. Teams can decide whether or not to include the goalkeeper; if the goalkeeper is excluded, no player on the pitch can use his hands, not even in the penalty area.

At the end of the tournament In addition to the podium of the participating teams, the following will be awarded: the best player and the best goalkeeperwhile during the entire duration of the event a photo/video service will be guaranteed offered by the We Sport. There will also be a DJ, as well as numerous games, including a Wheel of Fortune, to entertain spectators. To participate, simply contact the Astropanda guys via their social profile (Instagram). A registration fee of 180 euros per team is required.

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