Ferrara: ArenaMEIS. Fears and other troubles

Ferrara: ArenaMEIS. Fears and other troubles
Ferrara: ArenaMEIS. Fears and other troubles

For the 5th edition The ArenaMEIS, the open-air cinema hosted in the garden of the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (via Piangipane 81, Ferrara) dedicated to films that explore themes of Judaism, identity, and the value of diversity.

This year the title is Fears and other troubles: auteur feature films, irresistible comedies, horror films that have made the history of cinema and animated films will allow us to question one of the most complex emotions there is.
Moving from the big screen to the life of each of us, we will confront the fear of the different and the unknown, the fear of the future and of the past that returns; but we will also challenge the small/large daily phobias to build together a lively and constructive dialogue. The screenings will be introduced by special guests and the museum staff who will give unpublished readings of great classics and first runs.

The ArenaMEIS is sponsored by the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Municipality of Ferrara, the Cineteca di Bologna and the “Florestano Vancini” School of Cinematographic Art; it is created in collaboration with the Pitigliani Kolno’a Festival and has the contribution of CIDAS and the Cristian Federici Accounting Firm.


  • July 3 – The Last Time We Were Kids (2023)
  • July 10 – Free, Disobedient, In Love (2017)
  • 17 luglio – Twelve Points (2019)
  • July 24 – Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
  • July 31 – Shrek (2001)
  • 7 agosto – Shiva Baby (2020)
  • August 28 – Temptations of love (2000)

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