Telepass price has doubled, Unipol ready to take advantage

Telepass price has doubled, Unipol ready to take advantage
Telepass price has doubled, Unipol ready to take advantage

A huge increase of 113% that doesn’t please the motoristsbut to investors: that of Telepass. The final goal is to double the EBITDA to allow investors to monetize their investment in Telepass, which is currently suffering from competition from Unipolmovie, which from January to today has managed to collect one million customers. Thanks to a launch price (free for the first year) and a fee of 1.5 euros per month. Which is still lower than that of Telepass, which was 1.83 euros and went down to 3.9. A choice that risks scaring away those who already have Telepass, but also precluding the entry of new customers, who could choose competitors.

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Price war between Telepass and Unipol

At the beginning the decision to create Unipolmovie, according to analysts, it was supposed to be a response to Telepass’ invasion of the insurance sector. But given these latest increases, a new front and a new channel of profit seem to have opened up for the former insurance company. But a strong risk of loss for Telepass, which according to some analysts risks losing between 4 and 500 thousand users by the end of the summer. In the meantime, Money Go is also getting closer and is already at a few tens of thousands of new customers. Still crumbs, compared to the 7 million that Telepass had under a monopoly regime, to which must be added 3 million devices between trucks and company cars. In a short time, thanks to the increase in the fee, the EBITDA will certainly also double, but many are fleeing and also for this reason the company has run for cover by offering free fees to hundreds of thousands of customers. In the meantime, another problem is added, because Poste Italiane is also evaluating its entry into the market.

READ ALSO: Telepass increases 2022: from 1 July the fee increases by 55%

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