Newspapers in the towns with buses of Your «Law to be derogated» – Pescara

Newspapers in the towns with buses of Your «Law to be derogated» – Pescara
Newspapers in the towns with buses of Your «Law to be derogated» – Pescara

Imagine many dots on a map, connected by a complex network of curved lines. Now, look at it from the side and you will see that it is a continuous up and down of hills and valleys. It is Abruzzo. The dots are the small towns, the curved lines are the winding mountain roads and the ups and downs are the slopes of the various connecting roads. How can all these locations be reached daily for newspaper delivery, while also meeting the distributor’s difficulties? The proposal launched on Saturday in Pescara, at the General States of Information, by Luciano D’Amicoleader of the centre-left: «We use the Tua vehicles that already reach small towns and entrust them with the delivery of the newspapers».
We asked the president of Tua, Gabriele De Angelisif the proposal is feasible. «The topic should be explored further», he explains. «It must be said that the current regulations for TPL, Local Public Transport, do not provide for it because it would be configured as a transport of goods. A transport for third parties and private individuals. At the moment it is not possible, but we should evaluate whether and how to derogate from the current regulations and create an ad hoc regulation».
De Angelis says he is “available” to sit around a table and talk about it. “If it were possible, we are there,” he says, “because the basic idea is appealing. Here, it must be clear, we are not talking about an envelope outside the bag with photos as it once happened before the advent of technology. The discussion is organic, we need to delve deeper.”
the law on publishing
On the publishing front, D’Amico replies to the Fdi group leader in the Regional Council, Max Verrecchia who recalled that a law on publishing already exists. “The words of the Fdi group leader,” observes D’Amico, “are proof that in Abruzzo a law on publishing is necessary, and at this point urgent. Thinking of passing an amendment included in one of the many omnibus signed by the center-right – which in no way does justice to what emerged during the States General – as a law on publishing is a lack of respect for the entire sector. If any center-right councilor had come to listen in person to the speeches of the States General, he would have realized how out of place and useless today’s clarification was. I reiterate the commitment of the Patto per l’Abruzzo to provide the Region with an effective law on publishing, which protects professionals, freedom of information and local entrepreneurial realities.”

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