Fatal illness in his sleep, entrepreneur dies at 29

His family found him unconscious in bed. The intervention of the doctor and nurses from Suem 118, who arrived by ambulance and medical vehicle, was useless, and any attempt at resuscitation was in vain. Death had come at night, in his sleep. Great shock in the Treviso district of Santa Maria del Rovere due to the sudden death, at the age of just 29, of Simone Cian, entrepreneur and owner of a gardening company who had been living for some time in an apartment in via Ghirlanda. The last farewell will be celebrated on Friday 21 June, at 3.15 pm, in the parish church of Santa Bona in Treviso. Simone leaves behind his parents, Luciano and Lorena who live in the Montebelluna area, and a sister, Valentina who lives in the province of Venice. The news was reported by Tribuna di Treviso today, 20 June.

Simone loved nature and spent a lot of time with friends in the Storga park, with friends: a few years ago he started a small business after completing his studies in agriculture and oenology in Conegliano. No one, least of all his family, can find peace about what happened: the 29-year-old has never had any health or cardiac problems.

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