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In Rennes, an appeal to blood donors

In Rennes, an appeal to blood donors
In Rennes, an appeal to blood donors

On the eve of the summer holidays, the French Blood Establishment (EFS Bretagne) is inviting donors to get involved. “A surge of mobilization is necessary. All the more so as summer approaches, a particularly sensitive period”underline those responsible.

Collections cancelled due to elections

The organization of legislative elections affects the capacity to collect. “Dozens of collections planned in municipal halls were canceled to allow the installation of polling stations. » However, the level of blood products must be sufficient this summer. Even more so with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games starting on July 26.

Nationally, the EFS hopes to fill our reserves to reach 105,000 blood bags by mid-July. “The count is not there yet. We are counting on the mobilization and generosity of everyone.” Due to the constraints expected in Ile-et-France, the collection capacities of the regions not concerned by the Olympic events have been reinforced. This is the case in Rennes, where the Maison du don is open, near the CHU Pontchaillou.

To donate blood, simply make an appointment at or via the Blood Donation app. You must be aged 18 to 70 and weigh at least 50 kg, have no flu symptoms and have proof of identity.

Donation House, rue Pierre-Jean-Gineste (accessible by bus and metro, at the Villejean-Université or Pontchaillou stop). Blood and plasma donation by appointment, Monday to Saturday.

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