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Investigation by the Velletri Prosecutor’s Office: Illegally occupied building cleared

Investigation by the Velletri Prosecutor’s Office: Illegally occupied building cleared
Investigation by the Velletri Prosecutor’s Office: Illegally occupied building cleared

Last updated on 28 June 2024 by Armando Proietti

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Velletri issued a provision following a control operation which led to the reporting of ten people for various crimes related to the illegal occupation of land and buildings. The suspects are accused of invasion of land and buildings in competition, defacement of land intended for public use, Building abuse and construction of works in restricted area.

Clearing operation without disturbing public order

During the eviction of the occupied building, inhabited by a family of three, no injuries were reported. disturbances of public order. The intervention of the social services of the municipality of burned guaranteed the family unit temporary accommodation in a suitable facility.


Public Prosecutor’s Office of Velletri: this is the Italian judicial body that deals with representing the prosecution in criminal proceedings, carrying out investigations into crimes and promoting criminal actions. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Velletri is the competent office for the area of ​​Velletri, a city located in the province of Rome.

Invasion of land and buildings: is a crime that consists in the illegal and abusive occupation of private or public property. People involved in this crime risk criminal sanctions and the demolition of the illegal works carried out.
Defacement of land intended for public use: This involves damaging or defacing land that is intended for public use, such as parks, gardens or green areas. This behavior represents a violation of urban planning regulations and may lead to sanctions and restoration of the original situation.
Building abuse: indicates the construction of buildings without respecting the urban planning and building regulations in force. Building abuses may concern unauthorized extensions, modifications that do not conform to the original project or buildings constructed in non-buildable areas.
Restricted area: refers to an area subject to urban or landscape restrictions, which involve specific limitations and regulations regarding the construction of building works. Constructions in restricted areas must comply with specific rules and authorizations.
Clearance operation: this is the intervention of the police to remove people who illegally occupy a property. The eviction can be conducted with the aim of restoring legality and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Disturbances of public order: refers to behaviors that disturb the peace and tranquility of the community, causing disorder and dangerous situations. In the context of the article, the absence of disturbances during the eviction indicates that the operation was carried out peacefully.
burned: is an Italian municipality located in the province of Rome. The municipality’s social services played an important role in the assistance and temporary accommodation of the evicted family, demonstrating a commitment to managing emergency housing situations.

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