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Bologna, occupation and violence in via Carracci. Residents: “Exasperated”

Bologna, occupation and violence in via Carracci. Residents: “Exasperated”
Bologna, occupation and violence in via Carracci. Residents: “Exasperated”

Bologna, 30 June 2024 – “The Common e Acer they undertake to immediately implement every tool and action aimed at proceeding with the evacuation of the property in order to return it to the city”.

It is the request, relating tooccupation of via Carracciwhich comes from the group of Brothers of Italyat the center of an agenda that will be brought to the city council tomorrow. An act that follows the news reports, relating to a sexual assault against a thirty-year-old Tunisian woman that allegedly occurred a few weeks ago within the walls of one of the three Acer buildings occupied since last October by some families, led by the Plat collective.

A situation that net of rape which the Carabinieri are now investigating, citizens had been reporting for some time as being at risk: “Since October – explains a resident – I have made at least twelve reports to the Municipality, without ever receiving a response, gradually extended also to the police, explaining the danger of the current situation. After the news of the sexual violence, I also added the Minister of the Interior and the other competent ministers among the recipients of those reports.”

Reports in which the resident summarizes “a problematic context for us and for the occupants. Who now have exclusive use of the shared courtyard, where children run alone with the risk of being hit by cars; that they use gas cylinders inside the palace; who tampered with the meters to connect to the utilities,” she says. A situation aggravated “by the presence of problematic individuals, alcoholics and drug addicts, who gravitate in the courtyard, due to the presence of the street unit, and in the nearby Ferrovie cabin, which I have long reported as a place of drug dealing”.

“On the topic of illegal occupations – he intervenes Francesco Sassone of FdI – there is a clear political responsibility of Lepore and of its Council, which since its inauguration we have denounced as being held hostage by these groups, given that in its majority there are forces – such as the Civic Coalition – that on the issue of the illegal occupation of public buildings have always held a position that has never been one of firm condemnation”.

His colleague echoes him Francesca Scarano: “The episode of violence in the occupied Acer building must be condemned without any ifs or buts – he says –: what is certain is that if the Municipality and Acer had taken action to achieve a rapid eviction, it would have been avoided”. And now the advisors of Fratelli d’Italia expect that “the Municipality and Acer will become civil parties in the trial that will follow. Residents are exasperated after too many months of this impossible coexistence, it is time to act. We need to renovate the hundreds of vacant Acer properties so as to reduce waiting lists of honest citizens and not pamper the social centers”.

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