Lucca, asphalting begins in the hamlets with a first batch of works costing 800 thousand euros

Lucca, asphalting begins in the hamlets with a first batch of works costing 800 thousand euros
Lucca, asphalting begins in the hamlets with a first batch of works costing 800 thousand euros

A first 800 thousand euro construction site to asphalt the streets of the hamlets. The first batch of works financed by the municipality of Lucca to make the area’s roads safe will start on Monday (June 24th) from via dell’Acquarella.

In total, they will be asphalted 5.1 kilometers of roads to which must be added the works (already started) on Via di Poggio costing 100 thousand euros. The interventions will range over various streets from district 3 to 9 and some inconveniences are expected: the roads, due to the very narrow carriageways, will remain closed for one or two days.

The asphalting plan was presented today (20 June) by the councilor for public works Nicola Buchignani: “A very important batch is starting because it concerns the hamlets. An intervention that goes from district 3 to 9 and the construction site will touch on important sections: the shortest of 75 metres, the longest of 1 kilometer and 20. A lot to really intervene on the safety of the local roads. It is a very important project for our administration because it goes towards citizens with the aim of solving the many problems that the administrations that preceded us dragged on and which we are finally going to solve”.

The one starting – and which will end around October – is only the first batch. The administration, in fact, has already entrusted the Del Debbio company with three lots of asphalting worth 1.7 million. The overall cost implemented by the Pardini administration, therefore, will be approximately 2.7 million euros. “This is only the first batch: in the next few months other very important asphalting batches will start which will touch the historic centre, first suburbs, and will also extend to the hamlet areas. We will intervene on the main roads such as the ring road avenues, the Sarzanese and via Guidiccioni. There will be three lots worth 1 million 700 thousand euros and we will asphalt approximately 12 kilometers of roads. Overall, also considering the first batch, it is a monstrous and very important intervention which certifies our commitment to the territory. But we don’t want to stop here: we are already thinking of adding a 500 thousand euro lot in the budget change in July. There too we want to intervene in the hamlets.”

Here, in detail, are the areas that will be affected by the first lot of the 800 thousand euro works

Constituency 3: via dell’Amore (110 metres), via del Pellegrini (325 metres).

Constituency 4: via della Santissima Annunziata (175 meters), via di Picciorana (180 meters).

Constituency 5: via della Bordogna (125 meters), via di Arliano (230 meters), via di Casanova di Maggiano (300 meters), via di Filettole (190 meters), via di Fregionaia (125 meters), via di Nozzano Vecchio (150 meters ), via per Massaciuccoli (150 metres), via delle Nubache (1020 metres).

Constituency 6: via della Pieve di Santo Stefano (300 meters), via Onacrog (300 meters).

District 8: via del Loreto (75 meters), via del Tramonte (220 meters), via Foce del Lupo (420 meters), via Volpi (60 meters), via di Aquilea (100 meters).

District 9: via Giovanni Pacchini (180 metres), via del cemetery of Santa Maria del Giudice (110 metres), via dell’Acquarella (150 metres), crossroads before via Castellaccio di Massa Pisana (120 metres).

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