The third day of Asynchronie – Sassari Notizie is on Friday in Sassari

The third day of Asynchronie – Sassari Notizie is on Friday in Sassari
The third day of Asynchronie – Sassari Notizie is on Friday in Sassari

SASSARI Friday 28 June at the Asinternonie festival we talk about the relationship between “madness” and “normality” and “utopian” alternatives to a society based on the wild exploitation of resources. At 7pm Spazio Bunker arrives with the radio author Michela Mancini with the audio documentary “The country of the crazy”, on the “open doors” mental hospital of Girifalco (in collaboration with Daria Corrias of Tre Soldi Rai Radio 3), while at 9pm at the Cityplex Moderno cinema the director Edoardo Morabito will be present at the screening of his documentary “L’avomposto” on the eco-warrior Christopher Clark and his battle in defense of the Amazon (in collaboration with Società Umantaria, with the participation of Giusy Salvio – CSC Alghero). For both meetings, entry is free until sold outor places.

Reporter, author and radio producer for the RAI Radio1 Podcast editorial team, Michela Mancini has collaborated with “la Repubblica” and the BBC. With the 4-episode podcast “Il paese dei pazzi” she retraces the history of the psychiatric hospital in Girifalco, a small Calabrian village of 6,000 inhabitants in the province of Catanzaro, founded in 1881 and the second mental asylum in Southern Italy, after the larger and better-known one in Aversa. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Girifalco became a model of successful integration between the less serious inmates, left free to leave the asylum, and the inhabitants of the village, proud of their nickname of “Paese dei pazzi”, until the Basaglia law came into force and the definitive closure of the psychiatric hospital. (Meeting in collaboration with Tre Soldi Rai Radio3).

In “The Outpost” (Italy-Brazil, 2023), presented at the Giornate degli Autori of the Venice Film Festival and produced by Dugong Films in collaboration with Rai Cinema, Edoardo Morabito closely follows the generous utopia of the eco-warrior Christopher Clark , who passed away in 2020. Scottish activist and ecologist, Clark, who appears in the film in the first person, created his own very personal Outpost of Progress in the heart of the Amazon forest: a model of utopian society based on the perfect balance between nature and technology, managed and preserved by the forest dwellers. But the situation worsens every year and a new big fire threatens to destroy the Outpost. Chris then decides to gamble, opposing the spectacular destruction of the forest with an equally spectacular event: a Pink Floyd concert inside the green hell, so as to convince the Brazilian government to establish a reserve.

Edoardo Morabito is director and editor. He edited, among others, “Belluscone. A Sicilian story” by Franco Maresco (Special Prize of the “Orizzonti” jury in Venice and David di Donatello), “Liberami by Federica di Giacomo” (Best in Venice in 2016, in the Orizzonti section). He teaches at the Academy of Fine Art and the Experimental Center of Cinematography. The Outpost is his second film

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