NASA dedicated an asteroid to Annalisa: the reason

NASA dedicated an asteroid to Annalisa: the reason
NASA dedicated an asteroid to Annalisa: the reason

NASA has dedicated an asteroid to the Italian pop star Annalisa. Yes, the American space agency has decided to give the name of the former face of Amici to a celestial body discovered in 1991 by astronaut Henry E. Holt. A great satisfaction for the 38-year-old from Savona who, in addition to being one of the most successful Italian singers on the contemporary music scene, now also has an asteroid named after her.

If this seems like a bizarre choice to you, in reality there is a reason why NASA chose our Annalisa as the name for the asteroid. And now we reveal it to you.

Why NASA named an asteroid Annalisa

It is well known that Annalisa, in addition to being a singer with 8 albums under her belt and something like 3.9 million copies sold in Italy, is also a graduate in physics. A very particular passion for physics, especially for a pop star, but Annalisa has always spoken with great pride about her love for this scientific subject, even going so far as to present a series of documentaries on Netflix, It’s All Einstein’s Fault. And it is precisely because of her degree in physics and the fact that she was able to leave a mark in the world with her music that NASA chose to dedicate the asteoid to her: 20014 Annalisa.

The American Space Agency, in fact, reports in the asteroid sheet referring to Nali: “She has a degree in physics but has left her mark in the world of music and achieved considerable international success with her songs that have won awards and numerous albums platinum”.

Furthermore, the 20014 Annalisa sheet also reports all the technical and orbital data of the asteroid as well as its current position and trajectory.

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