Bari, on the beach activities for disabled and elderly: market survey

Bari, on the beach activities for disabled and elderly: market survey
Bari, on the beach activities for disabled and elderly: market survey

The preliminary determination for the publication of a market survey notice aimed at acquiring estimates for the subsequent direct assignment of the social support and accompaniment service on the city beaches was published this morning. As has been the case for several years, the municipal administration intends to carry out socio-cultural, recreational, socialization and aggregation activities for the benefit of elderly and/or disabled citizens at the city beaches of “Pane e pomodoro” and “waterfront di San Girolamo”. The aim of the initiative is to promote relaxation and fun activities, develop forms of aggregation, encourage the acquisition of personal autonomy and the development of relational skills, combat social isolation and promote individual autonomy, also through the use of floating chairs for disabled people and moments of awareness on various topics, without prejudice to the necessary networking with the rescue service started by the Civil Protection and the interventions being implemented by the Infrastructure, Roads and Public Works department, in order to guarantee the use of the beach also to elderly citizens and/or those with disabilities.

The market research may be used by the administration to proceed to identify the subject, having the required requirements, who has presented the best estimate in terms of price, to whom to directly entrust the service that must be carried out from July 15 to September 10. The activities must be divided into 6 days a week: from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm, and on Saturday, from 9 am to 12 pm.

The estimated amount of the contract was quantified as 20,000 plus VAT, if due. The administration reserves the right to proceed with the assignment even in the presence of only one valid estimate.

Private non-profit entities or Third Sector entities that have in their statute and/or articles of association the purpose and/or performance of activities consistent with the object may participate in the notice. Among these are:

  • social enterprises referred to in Legislative Decree 3 July 2017, n. 112;
  • cooperation bodies;
  • social cooperatives registered in the regional registers of social cooperatives established pursuant to art. 9 of the same law or registered in the National Single Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS);
  • voluntary organizations registered in the registers of voluntary organizations established by the Regions and autonomous Provinces or registered in the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS);
  • the foundations;
  • the welfare institutions;
  • civilly recognized religious bodies that carry out activities of general interest (Third Sector Code);
  • any other non-profit entity identified as such by national legislation;
  • social promotion associations registered in the registers of social promotion associations or registered in the National Single Register of Third Sector Economic Operators (RUNTS);
  • non-profit organizations of social utility registered in the single register of ONLUS.

The successful tenderer for the service will have to ensure the presence of a maximum of 6 volunteers for each defined beach, covering the entire hours of activity, to carry out social support and entertainment activities. It is also expected that the emergency service of a doctor/oss on call will be activated.

The service must ensure the following actions and the provision of the following equipment:

  • installation of a gazebo with logos and the name of the project on each beach as an information space equipped with an information board for displaying all useful information relating to the activities, heat-control plan, useful numbers and summer projects in the city and a possible refreshment area with self-dispensing water and/or soft drinks (free of charge);
  • provision of accessories, with logo and project name to identify volunteers/staff (hats, etc.);
  • accompanying activities at sea and on the beach, also using the floating chairs for disabled people already supplied;
  • social monitoring of subjects on beaches;
  • short video of the various activities for the deaf and vocal interventions for the blind;
  • entertainment and game activities for at least 2 hours a day;
  • moments of awareness on various topics;
  • daily preparation of walkways for the use of floating chairs for the disabled;
  • availability of 2/3 rotating umbrellas for users without them for each beach;
  • setting up a corner with books and for book sharing;
  • space dedicated to dogs for blind people.
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