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Cecalupo new secretary of the Altomilanese Young Dem: «We will fight transversal battles»

LEGNANO – The Young Democrats of Altomilanese held their club congress yesterday, Sunday 30 June (in the picture). «Together – they say – we remembered how far we have come in recent years and we thanked the outgoing secretary Martina Beard for all the work done. In these three years you have managed to create an environment in which each member could feel at home, enhancing the strengths and differences of all of us and carrying forward horizontal and collective leadership».

The baton now passes to the new secretary Pietro Cecalupo (undertogether with Barba) who was keen to remember «how important the battles we are carrying on are for our generation and how these must be the engine that pushes us to meet all those boys and girls from our area, perhaps far from activismbut who share our same difficulties and our same fears, which only a young and courageous policy can address”.

“No to fighting for the past”

«A policy therefore made up of transversal battles – continued Cecalupo – for the benefit of our entire generation; from the fight against socio-economic inequalities to the fight against gender inequalities, from the climate emergency to civil rights. It is our duty to try to change, starting from the smallness of our territory, a system that does not represent us and often does not listen to us. This is possible, however, only if we remain united and become the bearers of the needs of an entire generation, too often left on the margins. A generation that certainly cannot be represented by those youth organizations that praise the darkest years of our history and that make themselves carriers of racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic ideologies. While we fight for the future of everyone, they are still fighting for their past.

«Finally, thanks go to all our members and supporters who wanted to be there, who animate our club and who show us every day how among us young people there is still a great desire to carry forward these themes and these battles. Only together can we do it.”


The environmental (un)sustainability of those who govern Legnano

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