«A worthy burial for all the affectionate friends of man»

PORDENONE – A cemetery to give a worthy burial to those who are, for many, life companions. And not just animals.
The turning point in Pordenone is near and the idea is signed by the municipal councilor Walter De Bortoli, who in this case proves to be particularly sensitive towards a theme that is not only typical of the “die-hard” animal rights world, but that responds to a sentimental need of all those people who love or have loved their pet like a child.


Is it possible? Of course it is possible. There is also a regional framework law that allows it and above all that frames the operation.
“I will carry forward my idea – explains Councilor Walter De Bortoli – even if it has not yet been officially presented. It would be a nice sign of civilization, to give a dignified burial not only to deceased people, but also to animals”. As for the procedures, obviously the machine still has to move. A formal passage in the city council will certainly be needed and – more importantly – it will be necessary to identify a physical location in which the cemetery for animals will be located. “But there are areas”, explains Councilor Walter De Bortoli.
Inside the burial site there would be room not only for deceased dogs, but also for all other animals defined as pets, without “discrimination”.


As mentioned, there is also a regional regulation. It is from 2019, therefore dating back to the first mandate of President Massimiliano Fedriga. The regulation concerns the procedures for authorizing the establishment of cemeteries for pets, the methods of registering the animals welcomed, the technical and operational methods of implementation, the methods and terms within which the managers of cemeteries already in operation must adapt to the provisions of the regulation.
The areas designated for pet cemeteries are established by the Municipality; they can be located near human cemeteries, but maintaining a buffer zone of no less than twenty-five meters from the burials; private individuals interested in creating pet cemeteries must request the Municipality to issue building permits upon presentation of an application, subject to the opinion of the Health Authority which verifies the hygienic-sanitary suitability of the systems and equipment.
The regulation defines the characteristics that the land must have, the structural and management requirements of the cemetery, the methods of treatment of the remains, the requirements of the cremation facilities, exhumations, fines for transgressors.
Private individuals can also create cemeteries dedicated to animals. And in Northern Italy there are already many associations that have thought about it and have carried out concrete projects. In Pordenone, however, the first to move could be the municipal administration.

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