At the Barbera Sei Castelli Winery you will find “The Soul of Wine”

At the Barbera Sei Castelli Winery you will find “The Soul of Wine”
At the Barbera Sei Castelli Winery you will find “The Soul of Wine”

An exhibition of uprooted stumps, originally of Barbera vineselected and reinvented in unexpected and evocative forms by the artist Ezio Ferraris; all this, in the setting of a sales point and wine tourism center created in a location, the Opessina region roundabout in Castelnuovo Calcea, a nerve center for traffic in the southern Asti area.
This is the project “The Soul of Wine”edited by Barbera Sei Castell Wineryie inside its renovated headquarters, inaugurated on Sunday morning in the presence of the authorities.
“The project is evidence of the great results that cooperation can achieve,” emphasizes Maurizio Bologna, president of the winery. “Our complex is the concrete result of joint decisions shared by all our 260 members and the result of the precious professionalism and continuous dedication that our staff has shown in opening a structure that is unique in our area.”
Mario Sacco, president of Confcooperative Piemonte Sud, underlines the importance of this reality: «With 260 wine-growing members, 800 hectares of cultivated land, and 85% of production dedicated to Barbera winethe Cantina Sociale Barbera dei Sei Castelli is the largest producer of Barbera d’Asti. This project is a demonstration of the power of the cooperative tool, which allows for the construction of large projects thanks to dialogue and the sharing of a common goal, which is the enhancement of the territory from all points of view: work, economic, social. The inauguration is a precious opportunity to reflect together on the value of cooperation that contributes to enriching our unique territory thanks to the union of landscape, cultural and food and wine beauties”. Concorde Roberto Morello, president of Confcooperative Fedagripesca Piemonte: “These initiatives that we are inaugurating are the result of great teamwork that was played in the name of comparison and collaboration. The planning of a winery of primary importance such as Barbera dei Sei Castelli is further evidence of the highly valuable role of cooperation in the territory and in the communities in which it operates. Not only that: this project opens a reflection on the important transversal role of agriculture, a fundamental sector for the economy of the territory and also for tourism. Cooperation is intersectorality”.

Photo service Vittorio Ubertone

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