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“Let’s start again from Stellone, a serious and ambitious project in Pesaro”

“Let’s start again from Stellone, a serious and ambitious project in Pesaro”
“Let’s start again from Stellone, a serious and ambitious project in Pesaro”

During today’s appointment with ‘A Tutta C’ on TMW Radio, the sports director of Vis Pesaro spoke Michele To me. These are his words.

What is your opinion on the second teams?

“It is certainly an added value for Serie C, it brings you to play against famous clubs that have played important championships with interesting young players. For those like us who work on a youth project, playing with these realities allows you to grow. It is right to carry forward a project that is so important for Serie A clubs”.

How does the work of a sports director change with the second teams in C?

“As far as I’m concerned, I rely a lot on the inter-regional, I believe that a talent like Camarda is unattainable for our category. For me it doesn’t change anything, in fact it stimulates me even more to find what we can consider second choices because the talent in Italy is there, but it must be found. Look at Gatti’s example, he started from the interregional team and is now in the national team.”

What emotions did you experience in that playout against Recanatese?

“You still give me the shivers, it was an incredible match that in the last 50 seconds made me look death in the face. I still remember that goal by Pucciarelli, let’s also remember the champion that was given that he played at important levels. It was a magnificent evening that the entire club and the fans deserved, we did well in the first part, then after the halfway point of the second half of the season we dropped and thanks to Roberto Stellone who I thank publicly he gave us serenity and showed that we are a strong team. It is right to remain in this category and we will show what we can do”.

Are we starting again with Mr. Stellone?

“Yes, I thank him because in addition to being a great coach he is a friend and I did everything to convince him. The meeting with the president was decisive and the demonstration of the seriousness of the project is his will to stay even in the event of relegation. There is a serious and present president, who is doing extraordinary things also with the infrastructure. The project of the sports center was fundamental to convincing Roberto, we redid the field and I am proud to be able to work with a president who gives continuity to his project, it is a rare thing in this category. I hope that the marriage with Roberto can give us great satisfaction in the coming years”.

What should Vis Pesaro look for on the market?

“In recent years, speaking also with the coach, I have noticed that we need to work a lot on the full-backs and on the wingers, we will not be caught unprepared. The purchase of Luca Paganini is known to everyone, who the coach wanted at all costs after having had him in Frosinone. We will need to do something at the back, we will have to change the goalkeeper after the sensational injury of Neri who tore his cruciate ligament in the last match, then we will see what the market has to offer us. However, we will not have to intervene much, there is a solid base from which to start again because last year the team was important”.

What can Vis Pesaro fans expect for next season?

“The plan will be to suffer less than we made the fans suffer last year. Pesaro is a city that lives on football and sport with magnificent fans, it is right to make them suffer less then we don’t have to make any proclamations. We will certainly make them suffer less, it is right to give some more joy to our fans because seeing the stadium so full in the playout was extraordinary, without them that daring goal in the 97th minute would never have happened.”

How was the celebration after salvation?

“Believe me, I have goosebumps, I suffered a lot in the last 2-3 months because I couldn’t understand that situation. I didn’t understand where we went wrong, our strength was the ability to never fall apart, we united a lot and we spent the last two months living together. We thought we could do it, then the joy of the fans and the goat on the field represents the emblem of the suffering of our fans. We lost 14 points in the last seconds of the game, it seemed like a curse and that goal at the last moment represents a rebirth for us. We deserved this salvation and it was a celebration for everyone. I assure you that the celebration lasted until late at night”.

How was it challenging the Juventus boys?

“Challenging Juventus is the right thing to do, the most difficult challenges are those in which you face players with a technique above the norm and an important light-heartedness. They are young and have less pressure than 30-35 year old players, they have that lightness that allows them to always play incredible matches and then they are players who make the difference. In my opinion it must give us, the club and the coaches a boost in facing Juventus, it’s a second team but it’s still Juventus. In the first leg Hujisen was there, two days after playing with us he went to play for Roma in Serie A, this is a great stimulus for everyone.”

What group do you expect, could there be surprises or will there be a dominant team like Cesena?

“In my opinion this year is even more difficult because there are strong teams, I won’t say strong, but they are even more important. The only thing is that finding a battleship like last year’s Cesena is difficult. We are paying attention to Entella because I believe they will make an important team. Now let’s see the groups, but the most important thing is to think about us.”

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