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who they are and why Valerio Minato and Beatrice Merz were chosen

who they are and why Valerio Minato and Beatrice Merz were chosen
who they are and why Valerio Minato and Beatrice Merz were chosen

Turin has two new ambassadors in the world. In the special register, established in 2020, which contains the names of those who have the task of representing and promoting the excellence of the territory and of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage, Beatrice Merz and Valerio Minato have been added, appointed ambassadors during the ceremony, on the day of San Giovanni, in the Sala Rossa of Palazzo Civico.

“This recognition – explained the mayor Stefano Lo Russo – represents not only thanks for the activity in which two illustrious fellow citizens distinguish themselves but also the request to help us tell and promote our city. Very often it is said of us Turin people that we are good at doing things but less so at telling them: this is the task in which, from today, we will ask for their commitment”, explained the mayor Stefano Lo Russo.

Among the ambassadors of Turin in the world there are Alessandro Barbero, Arturo Brachetti, Raffaele Guariniello, Don Ciotti, Gabry Ponte, Lorenzo Sonego.

Ambassadors of Turin in the world: who they are

The photographer Valerio Minato is the author of numerous shots of Turin including the one awarded last December 25th by NASA for the photo of the Basilica of Superga with Monviso and the moon behind it.

The motivation reads that he received the recognition “for having immortalized with a careful eye and dedication the soul and beauty of Turin, creating a visual treasure for the people of Turin and beyond. His dedication to the city is reflected in every detail of his photographs, transmitting his love for Turin to anyone who looks at them”.

“I do the best job I can imagine, in the city that welcomed me twenty years ago. A city that I began to love and photograph in every corner, a hobby that over time became a full-time occupation. In these last months my shots have brought me many beautiful things and this recognition is certainly among them”, commented Valerio Minato.

Beatrice Merz has been appointed ambassador of Turin in the world “for having significantly contributed to the research activity on contemporary art, which for twenty years has found in the Merz Foundation an active and prolific laboratory of ideas and a meeting and comparison place for national and international artists”.

Beatrice Merz thanked the mayor, the president of the City Council and “the whole city that welcomes us and comes to visit us. Our role is to work in this city but to bring it to the world. Turin has always been a starting point and a point of arrival for my whole family, with this role I intend to make it even more so”, commented Beatrice Merz.

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