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“What a joy to welcome guests”

“What a joy to welcome guests”
“What a joy to welcome guests”

In the end all the pieces fell into place and as of yesterday the bathing establishment that the voluntary association Insieme a Te has managed for twenty years is fully operational. The first guests and the first volunteers who will help look after them have arrived. “It is a great joy – says Debora Donati, the president of the Insieme a Te association, with a toothy smile – to see the first people arrive and fill the plant. And also the volunteers, from the Rotary, from a parish association in Reggio Emilia , but also the medical students of the Ravenna campus. And this also fills us with pride: seeing 16-17 year olds who will commit themselves for a week to the service of others. In all this there is a great life lesson total satisfaction with what we have created. Not alone, mind you, many people have worked hard to make this dream project become reality, with the patronage of the ASL. Now let’s reap, all together, what we have sown, by networking”. One of the wonderful situations of the day was seeing even the front rows filled with ordinary tourists who rented, for a fee – for guests with disabilities the beach is absolutely free – umbrellas and sunbeds. “We have shown that our establishment – ​​continues Debora Donati – truly represents a beach for everyone, truly with total inclusion. We wanted to be, and have become, a beach for everyone”. Since yesterday, the 7 apartments that the Insieme a Te association is making available to guests with more serious disabilities have also been fully operational. “These are fully equipped structures that have been designed in every aspect to accommodate our guests for the duration of their stay, always starting from the most serious ones. Three are owned by the association, following a tender won, while 4 are owned of private individuals who offer them in agreement. Unfortunately they are completely full until September: if we had 10 more available we would have filled them, even if for these we are obliged to request a contribution from those who stay there. Now that the establishment is open we will dedicate ourselves to increase this receptivity”. The establishment is located in Punta Marina in via Arenile Demaniale between Bagno Chicco Beach and Bagno Susanna,

Ugo Bentivogli

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