Vallo Hospital, Nursind Salerno: “Staffing criticality in Orthopedics and Traumatology”

Vallo Hospital, Nursind Salerno: “Staffing criticality in Orthopedics and Traumatology”
Vallo Hospital, Nursind Salerno: “Staffing criticality in Orthopedics and Traumatology”
The secretariat Nursind Of Salerno strongly denounces the very serious situation of organizational criticality which afflicts the department of Orthopedics and Traumatology dell’hospital ‘San Luca’ by Vallo della Lucania. This crisis was unavoidably caused by the current top management of the company.

“Until June 6, the unit’s staffing of medical directors was six,” he has declared Biagio Tomascogeneral secretary of Nursind Salerno. “Following the competition for Level II medical director which took place on June 6, we witnessed the voluntary dismissal of a unit and the transfer of another to the Sapri hospital, which almost the medical corps was reset. Added to all this were unexpected illnesses that reduced the nightly presence on standby, leaving us with only three operational units.”

The situation is further aggravated by the silence of company leaders who have not implemented immediate solutions. “It is unacceptable that the Orthopedics department of Vallo della Lucania was mocked on the ASL Salerno Facebook page by invoking the intervention of a veterinarian without the company top management intervening to protect the image of their workers”, Tomasco added.

The current criticality has caused an increase in all evaluation indices, in particular those relating to the femur path, which sees a further worsening compared to the ministerial limits set at 62% on a national basis. Furthermore, the numerous outpatient accesses satisfy the needs of the Salerno population coming from all over the province, as can be easily seen from the Cup reservations.

“Until 20 days ago, the Orthopedics and Traumatology department guaranteed a 24-hour service for all traumas coming from other hospitals in Cilento and Vallo di Diano, but this continuity can no longer be guaranteed. This represents a serious problem, especially considering the high tourist vocation of the Cilento coastal strip, which increases the resident population to 1 million inhabitants”Tomasco explained.

The lack of assistance to trauma patients, who constitute approximately 70% of visits to the Emergency Room, further degrades the healthcare provision in an area already afflicted by well-known organizational difficulties due to staff shortages. “It is necessary to reorganize the organic resources, perhaps also using the orthopedics and traumatology specialists of the university network, to guarantee the functioning of facilities such as the one in Vallo della Lucania, whose activities are superior to those of other hospitals”, Tomasco concluded. “Otherwise, the ASL Salerno will once again demonstrate its inconclusiveness with respect to the real needs of the population”.

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