ART EXHIBITION – Jennifer Sabella and Alessandro Trani, exhibitions in Rome

ART EXHIBITION – Jennifer Sabella and Alessandro Trani, exhibitions in Rome
ART EXHIBITION – Jennifer Sabella and Alessandro Trani, exhibitions in Rome
ART EXHIBITION – Jennifer Sabella and Alessandro Trani, exhibitions in Rome

Over the limits: when abstract meets the landscape

Category: Exhibitions
From 05/07/2024 to 11/07/2024
Medina Art Gallery
Via Angelo Poliziano, 4-6 – Rome (RM) (Monti)

From 05/07/2024 to 11/07/2024

From 5 to 11 July 2024 Medina Art Gallery presents ART EXHIBITION JENNIFER SABELLA AND ALESSANDRO TRANI “Over the limits: when abstract meets the landscape”. Curatorial text and presentation by Dr. Arianna Montellanico at the gallery in Via Angelo Poliziano, 4-6 Rome.

The opening event will be held on 5 July 2024 at 6.00 pm at the gallery in Via Angelo Poliziano, 4-6.

In the encounter between abstraction and landscape, a fruitful dialogue is created that allows us to explore new perspectives and interpretations. The shapes and colors of the works on display at the Medina Art Gallery in Rome, by Jennifer Sabella and Alessandro Trani, create with a harmonious rhythm, an atmosphere of mystery, suggestion and lively optimism, which demonstrates their love for nature. A journey beyond the visible horizon, to discover the hidden beauty of a parallel universe, made of lights and shadows and suspended shapes, through their vision of the landscape. Jennifer Sabella’s is closer to the sweet and harmonious Tuscan hills, while Alessandro Trani’s, to the majestic and changing sea.

Jennifer Sabella, American artist and teacher in several artist residencies, was born in New York into a family of creative talents. He now lives and works in Litchfield CT. A self-taught artist, he refined his style thanks to continuous experimentation with different materials and structures. He starts with pen and ink, in his youthful works, and then dedicates himself to abstract painting, focusing on color, its material consistency and the stories that this reveals.

Alessandro Trani, an internationally renowned Roman lawyer and painter, trained in various associations including the “One Hundred Painters of Via Margutta”. Since 2006 he has presented the oil works of the “I Mari di Trani” series and since 2015 the mixed media works, between modern figurative and abstract expressionism. He is present in numerous art catalogs such as “CAM- Catalogo d’Arte Moderna, Giorgio Mondadori editorial and in sector magazines such as” Arte. He has participated in numerous projects, among others, at The Pall Mall Gallery in London, at the Universal Exhibition of Milan, at the Rome Triennale and at the Venice Biennale.

The works on display seem different but in reality, if you look at them carefully, you can notice a detail that unites the stylistic figure of these two artists and that is the lines. In fact, among the representative works of Sabella there are the “drips” or flows of color, which in a process guided by gravity, become repetitive, conceptual lines and layers of paint. This imposing play of color and consistency immerses the viewer in a universe of liveliness, pop tones and materiality. Even in Trani’s works the lines are conceptual and overlap with the landscape. It is as if in the act of painting, the artist lets himself be overwhelmed by the sensation and emotion provoked by a memory of the past, by a vision, which interacts with the movement of the brush on the canvas. As if, in a moment of disorientation, the artist needs points of reference to hold on to, “presences – absences” in the form of lines, which he inserts into the composition to return to a real dimension.

In the construction of the lines and the combination of colors, in some landscapes by Jennifer Sabella, there is a hint of Mark Rothko’s color-field, or the division into large rectangles of color. In Rothko’s case, the latter blend together through highly refined tonal transitions, while in Jennifer’s essential views they create a strong color contrast, accentuated by the defined lines and clear backgrounds. Sabella also offers light and dark effects, giving depth to the composition. Everything to compose the elements according to a perspective order, which leads the viewer’s gaze beyond formal limitations.

In Alessandro Trani’s landscapes, however, the lines follow a nuanced and delicate geometric pattern, thanks to the choice of nuances that are less contrasting with each other. The strokes of color create horizontal lines, the alternation of which refers to an infinite space. Almost an optical illusion that confuses the human eye which seems to lose all physical reference, if not for the presence of the moon or other figurative elements, which help the observer’s gaze to orient itself in its boundless landscapes. Among Jennifer Sabella’s works we can admire paintings of trees, where the composition becomes softer thanks to their thick foliage, which seems to move lightly, caressed by the wind, as if dancing to the rhythm of the painter’s breathing. These are reminiscent of the elements of nature in Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings, moved by the same internal movement of the artist. The waters of Alessandro Trani’s seas, undulating and fluid, seem to respond to the same caress of the wind and his state of mind. And so, in a perpetual natural ballet, the elements of these paintings move, vibrant with life and energy, driven by the breath of nature, which makes them even more beautiful and fascinating.

Trani’s works take us back to those romantic atmospheres suggested by the landscapes of William Turner and Caspar David Friederich, especially “The Wanderer on the Sea of ​​Fog”, one of the most representative works of nineteenth-century romantic painting. In Trani’s works there is no human presence but the traveler is the observer. It is he who contemplates the panorama in front of him: a landscape of primordial charm, which, as in Friederich’s painting, expands indefinitely, blending with the horizon, until it becomes indistinguishable from the sky. The sea and the sky merge and all we have to do is let ourselves be carried further, sailing towards boundless destinations, where the beauty is not arriving but travelling. Savor the anticipation, in a timeless atmosphere, of something that is about to happen like sunrise or sunset. Furthermore, the other fascinating aspect in Trani’s works is that he does not aim to paint real landscapes, but dreams and visions, even if many, as the artist himself says, have recognized real beaches and views in his paintings. The magic of art is recognized precisely in the suggestions that the artist manages to propose to the spectator, thanks to his creative abilities.


From 05/07/2024 to 11/07/2024
Exhibition Title: ART EXHIBITION JENNIFER SABELLA AND ALESSANDRO TRANI “Over the limits: when abstract meets the landscape”
Exhibition Opening: Friday 5 July 2024 at 6.00 pm
Exhibition duration: from 5 to 11 July 2024
Location: Medina Art Gallery | Via A. Poliziano, 4-6 | Rome
Contacts Medina Art Gallery:
Email: [email protected] -Tel. +39 06 960 30 764
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Opening hours: every day 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-19:00


Medina Art Gallery
Via Angelo Poliziano, 4-6 – Rome (RM)


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