delayed trains and cancellations on the Bologna Rimini line

delayed trains and cancellations on the Bologna Rimini line
delayed trains and cancellations on the Bologna Rimini line

Bologna, 29 June 2024 – Rail traffic in tilt con delays e cancellations today on on the Bologna – Rimini line per the investment of a boy of Russian nationality, who died, by a train passing at the height of Forlìat the height of the platform of track two. It would be a voluntary gesture.

The circulation train was suspended near the site of the investment around 1.30pm and resumed after half an hour. She stayed heavily slowed down until 3.30pm circa.

The monitor with delays in the early afternoon at the Forlì train station

The intervention of the competent authorities ended by mid-afternoon. Responding to the scene were i fire fighters for the recovery of the body and the agents of the Railway Police to reconstruct the dynamics of what happened.

Trains, here is the real-time update on delays and cancellations

The convoys, let it be known Trenitalia, have suffered severe slowdowns, limitations and cancellations for some regional areas. Gradually the situation is returning to normal. L’Intercity 609 Milan-Lecce he left from Forlì with 210 minutes late.

Slowdowns up to 110 minutes per 7 High speed7 Intercity e 12 Regional, 4 Limited regionals e 9 deleted.

The investment was at the Forlì station

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