Biennial Theater 2024 | Mariasole Brusa wins the Biennale College Teatro tender

Biennial Theater 2024 | Mariasole Brusa wins the Biennale College Teatro tender
Biennial Theater 2024 | Mariasole Brusa wins the Biennale College Teatro tender

The project Golem and mud is the world, created in close collaboration with the dramaturg Carolina Baglioni – states the motivation – has its roots in the personal experience of the two artists, gained during the devastating floods that hit Emilia Romagna. It is from the rubble and mud of this tragedy, from this terrain full of memory and pain, that a poetic song emerges, vibrant with universal meanings, which echoes in the bowels of Humanity.
Golem and mud is the world projects us into a very near future, in an apocalyptic scenario, where the landscape is dominated by torrential waters and catastrophic floods. The incessant rains are not only meteorological, but a metaphor for the anguish and internal battles that plague each of us. Here, words are silent, almost completely giving way to a narration that unfolds through evocative images, symbolic actions, digital effects that blend reality and imagination, video projections that dance between shadows and lights, expanding the boundaries of the visible, sounds that vibrate like soul strings, emotions that flow from unexpected sources…
The impetuous force of this work lies in its ability to act as a reflective mirror of the intimate, tormented, complex relationship between Man and Nature. It is a profound analysis of the lost harmony with the environment that surrounds us. At the center of the scene, a clay Golem (a puppet animated in full view by real actors), stands as a symbol of adaptation and resilience.
Mariasole Brusa, through Golem and mud is the world, offers us not just a performance, but an immersive and transformative experience. It is an invitation to question our role in the eternal cycle of creation/destruction/rebirth, to reconnect with ourselves, to rediscover beauty in ruin, hope in despair, life in mud. A powerful and cruel metaphor that shakes the foundations of our existence, reminding us that even in the darkest of storms, the spark of life continues to shine, indomitable and irrepressible” (ricci/forte)

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