The day after the Differentiated Autonomy, the “Sea interrupted” report and the other news of the day

The day after the Differentiated Autonomy, the “Sea interrupted” report and the other news of the day
The day after the Differentiated Autonomy, the “Sea interrupted” report and the other news of the day

The story of Thursday 20 June 2024 with the main news from the 7.30pm radio newspaper. The reactions of politicians the day after the green light for differentiated autonomy, with Zaia coming to Rome to celebrate the victory. 18-year-old Pierpaolo Bodini died this morning in Lodi while he was working on the Bassanetti farm in Brembio. Today in Rome demonstration in solidarity with the students attacked and beaten by far-right militants in Colle Oppio. On the occasion of World Refugee Day, the Interrupted Sea report was published, which recounts the brutality of the Tunisian Maritime Guard, responsible for rejections, shipwrecks and deaths at sea. A United Nations poll, the largest ever on climate, reveals that 80% of respondents want their governments to take stronger action to tackle the climate crisis.

The following day the green light for differentiated autonomy

(by Anna Bredice)

As soon as the reform was approved, the President of Veneto Zaia came to Rome for a press conference, closer to Parliament. It is easier to claim the political victory of Differentiated Autonomy, a project that he has always pursued in his Veneto. “It is the dawn of a historic day”, said the governor who is already organizing the celebration for the milestone reached tomorrow in the late afternoon in a municipality in the Vicenza area. There will also be voting for the run-off, Salvini will also arrive to share the applause with a League which, as in many areas of the Veneto, has also been divided in the last year on the line to follow. The North wins, the autonomy that has replaced the dream of secession over the years. Salvini is happy, he has conquered his flag, catching up with the premiership of Giorgia Meloni, he has brought to the governors of the North, Fontana and Zaia among others, what they wanted, but to the detriment of his project, that national League which now it is losing momentum and perhaps votes in the South. Calabria in particular is becoming the laboratory of the frond both in Forza Italia, very clearly, and in the League, where great discontent runs deep. At the European elections Salvini’s party achieved a good result, 9%, but now risks losing some regional councilors and creating fractures in the territory, with a stampede towards Forza Italia, a party that in any case in Rome the Differentiated Autonomy he voted for it. It is true that some in dissent did not participate in the vote but Tajani today clings to three agendas in order to make the law more balanced. A little bit, to be honest. The president of the Calabrian regional council, the Northern League member Mancuso, defines the law as a “mess” because it was voted hastily, without addressing the consequences that will exist in the southern regions. Politically, for Salvini a promise has been achieved, but he will have to face the referendum in those regions and a League that like Forza Italia may not do much to help the government’s referendum campaign.

Rome, demonstration of solidarity with students attacked by far-right militants

Today in Rome demonstration in solidarity with the students attacked and beaten by far-right militants in Colle Oppio. The demonstration was organized by the Anpi and the CGIL. The attackers were identified and reported: they were four militants from Casapound, which has its headquarters in that area.
The attack occurred on Tuesday evening, while the young people were returning from the opposition demonstration in defense of the Constitution. The boys who were victims of the beating immediately spoke of a “neo-fascist attack”. Some voices collected at today’s demonstration by Anna Bredice:

Lodi, accident at work: 18 year old Pierpaolo Bodini dies

On his Instagram profile the first photos on the tractor are from three years ago, March 2021. Pierpaolo Bodini probably inherited his passion for agriculture and agricultural vehicles from his grandfather, who had worked on the farm where, at just eighteen, he Pierpaolo is dead. Today he should have started sowing after these months of rain and together with a twenty year old colleague Pierpaolo was arranging the sowing machinery when one of the very heavy wings lowered crushing him to the ground. He died instantly, crushed by the heavy component of the machinery on which technical investigations are underway by the Milan ATS. The investigations are followed by the prosecutor of the Lodi public prosecutor’s office Roberto Fedelini. According to Flai CGIL of Lodi, the boy was doing a job that he shouldn’t have done. A maintenance, or perhaps the repair of a fault, on which such a young person should not have worked. Pierpaolo Bodini had been employed by Eurosio Bassanetti for a few months, perhaps a year according to what the union reconstructed. The mother said that he “died doing the job that she loved”, at 18 years old it is something even more unacceptable.

The meeting at the Ministry of Labor after the death of Satnam Singh

The investigation continues into the death of Satnam Singh, the Indian laborer who died in hospital after being abandoned with his arm amputated by his employers
the Latina prosecutor’s office seized part of the company in Borgo Santa Maria and commissioned the autopsy to be carried out. The employer, Antonello Lovato, is accused of negligent injury and negligence.
Tomorrow at the Ministry of Labor there will be a meeting on this topic organized by the Ministers of Labor Calderone and Agriculture Lollobrigida which will see the participation of trade union and employer representatives; next Tuesday, however, the Indian community of Lazio organized a demonstration against exploitation and gangmastering in Latina.

The bombing of Gaza does not stop

In Gaza, Israeli bombings have caused 35 victims and over 130 injuries in the last 24 hours. The air raids hit the center and south of the enclave.
The other front also remains hot, the one between Israel and Lebanon, where exchanges of rockets on the border continue and where the fear of an expansion of the conflict is growing:
Hezbollah has also threatened to attack the island of Cyprus if it helps Israel. the American Amos Hochstein is visiting the region, his declared objective is to avoid escalation; his is the first mission to the Middle East on behalf of the White House.

Sea interrupted, the report on the violent and illegal practices of the Tunisian Maritime Guard

(by Mattia Guastafierro)

“The Tunisian coast guard hit our boat which capsized. 29 missing. All the children died.” “I saw the Tunisian coast guard ramming a boat, children drowning, their mothers screaming… I can’t sleep anymore.”
These are just two testimonies from those who try to travel the route between Tunisia and Italy every day. Rumors of terror collected by Alarm Phone between 2021 and 2023 and published today in a report, “Sea Interrupted”, on the occasion of World Refugee Day. Stories that prove the brutality of the Tunisian Maritime Guard, responsible for rejections, shipwrecks and deaths at sea. A military authority, the document denounces, supported and financed by European policies, as has long been the case with Libya. The scheme is the same: money in exchange for stopping migrants, to be stopped by force even with military vehicles and boats donated by member countries. The latest in chronological order: the six patrol boats that Italy would like to hand over to Tunisia, as part of the memorandum signed with the North African country. A transfer which however the Council of State decided today to suspend. The judges in fact considered plausible the appeal of a group of NGOs, including ASGI, ARCI, Mediterranea, according to which “the act could lead to possible violations of human rights”. It is not the final verdict, which will be issued on July 11, but if the Court declares it illegitimate it would still be a signal. A first, albeit limited, blow to the memorandum, held up as a model by Meloni and Von der Leyen.

Climate change, what emerges from the large United Nations survey

Among refugees globally, 20 million people are forced to flee their homes every year due to climate change. A theme that remains central throughout the world, even more than the political results would seem to show. This was revealed by a survey conducted by the United Nations Development Programme, the People’s Climate Vote, the largest climate survey ever carried out.

(by Martina Stefanoni)

A global photograph of the world of recent years would show it increasingly fragmented, divided and crumpled by growing and dangerous nationalisms. Cooperation between countries seems like a distant utopia and a polarizing politics depicts a population not interested in major global issues, first and foremost climate change. However, a United Nations survey, the largest ever carried out on the climate, shows another picture. Of 75,000 respondents in 77 countries around the world, 80% would like their governments to take stronger action to address the climate crisis. Four out of every 5 citizens of the world. The percentage rises to 86% of citizens who would like their countries to put aside geopolitical differences and work together on climate change. Furthermore, if the poorest countries in the world overwhelmingly ask for help from the richest, at the same time the richest are – in the vast majority – willing to give it. Between 60 and 70 percent of respondents in the United States, Australia, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom said that as countries produce more wealth, they should help developing ones deal with the effects of climate change. Even in Europe, where the results of the recent European elections seemed to be going in another direction, the majority of the population believes that we should move towards a rapid energy transition, with a peak precisely in Italy where 89% think it should be rapid or very quick. The results of the survey could not be clearer: climate change is a central issue in people’s lives and even if it is not easy to understand how this materializes at the ballot box, the majority of the population agrees: governments must do more.

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