Casoria, councilors and assignments defined, but the proclamation is delayed

Casoria, councilors and assignments defined, but the proclamation is delayed
Casoria, councilors and assignments defined, but the proclamation is delayed

Between delays in the proclamation of the elected officials and unforeseen events, everything seems to have already been planned for the second term of Raphael Good at the helm of the city of Casoria. For councilors, prime minister and sub-government positions, agreement should not be lacking on anything while we await the official proclamation of the elected officials by the central office.

There are some delays caused by the non-compliances that occurred in particular in two polling stations where problems were found in compiling the minutes, especially in the part of the votes for the mayoral candidates, which caused more than one slowdown in the verification operations.

To the mayor Raphael Goodre-elected by a landslide with 83.7 percent of the votes, approximately 1,300 votes were removed due to transcription errors. But the data is not such as to compromise the outcome of the vote which, for the mayor, has already concluded with the official proclamation of Bene. Who looks to the future and to the council. Two assessors will go to Campania libera which will also have the president of the council.

For this role the lawyer Easter Tignola he does not seem to have any rivals even if the Democratic Party had tried to claim that seat to please Franco Russo. The public works councilor will also go to Campania libera, who will almost certainly be the first elected and most voted overall Andrea Capanooutgoing president of the city council who will resign to make room for Rino Trojano.

The other place in the executive is reserved for the followers of the civic list founded by the governor De Luca and of which the current number one is Soresathe former senator Thomas Casillorepresents the undisputed leader in the city, he is the councilor for the budget.

For gender equality it had been established that it should go to a woman but in this case an exception to the rule would be made by asking the outgoing candidate, Rosario Polisoto continue the work done so far and unanimously appreciated by all. After Campania libera it will be up to the Democratic Party to make its own choices. In pole position for a position as assessor would be Valerio Cresci while the second position should be occupied by a woman who is unlikely to be Maria Stella Cassettino, the first of the non-elected and outgoing city councilor.

A seat in the council will also go to the M5S and the Greens while the Sogno e libertà list will remain empty-handed, for the moment. The majority will in fact count 21 city councilors plus the mayor but the representative of Azione con Calenda, the lawyer Fabio Cristarellicould find himself as the 22nd man in Bene’s majority. The only certain opponents will be Nicholas Mangani of Brothers of Italy and Ernesto Valiante of the Centre-Right for Casoria.

The elected, awaiting official confirmation, are: Andrea Capano, Vincenza Capparone called Cinzia, Russian Angel, Roberta Giova, Joseph Barra said Peppe, Easter Tignola, Anthony Petrone e Marianna Riccardi (Free Campania); Alessandro Graziuso, Assumption of the Rosa, Nicholas Roll e Franco Russo (Pd); Salvatore Iavarone, Gennaro Fico e Marco Colurcio (Green Left Alliance); Gaetano Palumbo, Maria Floriana Alaia e Stephen Balestrieri (M5S); Mauro Ferrara e Gianluca Cortese (Casoria towards the future); Francis D’Anna (Dream and freedom); Fabio Cristarelli (Action with Calenda); Ernesto Valiante (Centre-right Casoria) and Nicholas Mangani (Fdi).


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