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Summit on the challenges of the maritime economy

Summit on the challenges of the maritime economy
Summit on the challenges of the maritime economy

From ports to logistics, from shipping to pleasure boating and fishing: the maritime sector is called upon to deal with the complex needs of the energy transition. “Modernization of port systems for the energy transition” is the title of the conference, scheduled this afternoon from 3pm at the Grand Hotel Salernoorganized by thethe Order of Engineers of the province of Salerno and which attracts experts in the field and institutional representatives to the city.


The works will be opened by the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca. While the conclusions are entrusted tothe Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies, Nello Musumeci. Institutional greetings are expected, among others, from Mayor of Salerno Vincenzo Napoli, the President of the Province, Franco Alfieri, the President of Unioncamere, Andrea Prete, and the President of Ance, Federica Brancaccio. The reports of the experts, which address issues such as port planning, the updating of the guidelines for the drafting of port master plans, energy efficiency systems, are followed by a round table in which, among others, the President of the Higher Council of Public Works, Massimo Sessa, and the President of the Port System Authority of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Andrea Annunziata. The numerous experts and representatives of bodies and institutions “will make – the Order of Engineers anticipates – the appointment of July 2nd a real master, which aspires to be indicated as a trailblazer for the development of the energy transition of Italian ports and naval transport”. “The maritime sector – explains the president of the Order of Engineers of the province of Salerno, Raffaele Tarateta – has always represented an important factor for the progress and development of our peninsula and of the civilizations that have developed in it”. In fact – they recall, in a note, from the Order – “in the top ten of Italian ports, two are from Campania and excel both for freight and passenger transport. One of these current port realities is the city of Salerno”. “The Salerno port – Tarateta recalls – had new life in the 1950s, when it was decided, perhaps not opting for the best and most congenial solution, to build the new port in the northern area of ​​the city. A port that today links Salerno to the entire world, a place of commercial exchanges that project our city onto international stages”.


“Italy, after a decline recorded worldwide during the pandemic – observes the president of the Order – is clearly recovering in its activities in the maritime sector. The number of employees exceeds 900 thousand units and, in the related industries, this number is five times greater. Policies and all state and local economic planning cannot fail to take this potential into account. And they are doing so”. “The conference will also be an opportunity – he continues – to understand the state of the art with respect to the implementation of the PNRR interventions and, above all, when the new guidelines for port master plans, the contents of which we will see in national preview, will be approved and when it will be possible to update the planning of port system modernization interventions with the aim of relaunching the country’s economy in the context of the energy transition. Therefore, optimizing the costs of transporting goods and passengers and contributing to the reduction of polluting emissions”.

«It will also be necessary that, in ports, all bunkering systems are modernized with a high capacity to retain pollutants which, together with the use of green fuels, will contribute to achieving the environmental objectives that Italy has signed up to at an international level», concludes Tarateta.


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