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Santinacci is the new president of the Lions of Piana Pistoiese

Santinacci is the new president of the Lions of Piana Pistoiese
Santinacci is the new president of the Lions of Piana Pistoiese

Osteopath Antonio Santinacci is the new president of the Lions Club Quarrata Agliana Pianura Pistoiese. “It is an honor and a responsibility to lead this important Club” he said in the handover ceremony with Umberto Mannelli, during the traditional “Passaggio della Campana” at Villa La Costaglia. After thanking the board, members and closest collaborators for the support received, the outgoing president illustrated the many activities carried out in the two years, with numerous social solidarity services, many of which were carried out with other Clubs in the area and the district. Mannelli recalled the support for the “International Poetry Competition Città di Quarrata”, the “Martina Project”, the collection of used glasses, the support for the Foundation of Lions Clubs International, in favor of the prisoners of Pistoia and important food collections that have allowed a concrete contribution to be made to the Caritas of Quarrata and Montale and to the Emporio solidale aglianese. The Club edited the new edition of the “Statuti comunali del 1415” of Agliana and, with the Pistoia Fuorcivitas Club, launched an ideas competition for young engineers and architects from Tuscany for the roofing of the courtyard of the Smilea castle in Montale. With other local Clubs, it created the “Lions in piazza”, free specialist medical services for citizens. There was much attention to disability, also enhancing sport (Agliana half-marathon and days of ultralight flight at the Pinguino di Santonuovo) as a tool for inclusion. The Club was among the protagonists of a free course for family members and home assistants of Alzheimer’s patients and of the organization of an important conference on “Dopo di noi e amministrazione di supporto”. The entry of two new members was also celebrated, Francesco Leporatti, from Pistoia and Simona Tonini from Quarrata. The district secretary Elena Vannucchi was present. After the “Passage of the Bell” Santinacci expressed his appreciation to his predecessor and thanked the members of the new board, in particular the secretary Enrico Montagni, the master of ceremonies Rocco Perotta and the treasurer Stefano Martini.

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