the family doesn’t believe the psychologist’s illness

PADUA The prosecutor’s office Padua has opened a case for manslaughter into the death of Vera Slepojthe psychologist and psychotherapist from Padua, as well as a writer and editorialist (for years she collaborated with Il Gazzettino) who died on the night between June 20 and 21 in her home in Padua, after having participated in the closing dinner of the annual activity of the Lions Club Jappelli. The autopsy will be performed today and is the result of a complaint filed by the family of the professional.

Vera Splepoj dead, the investigation

The complaint would arrive at the prosecutor’s office after the diagnostic test had already been carried out in the hospital in Padua in recent days: a routine examination for sudden deaths which would have insinuated some doubts in the people closest to the psychologist and psychotherapist, who would thus have convinced to ask the prosecutor’s office to investigate further with an examination entrusted to a third-party and impartial professional to clarify any doubts about the last moments of the woman’s life. To carry out each step with all the necessary guarantees, the prosecutor’s office therefore opened a file on charges of manslaughter, without however entering any names in the register of suspects. What pushed the relatives to this move was also the fact that Vera Slepoj, who had recently turned 70, had always said she felt well and had never had any health problems. The only thing, a small surgery undergone a few weeks ago but of little importance: the task of the medical examiner who will be appointed today by the prosecutor’s office will be to acquire the medical records with the entire medical history of the professional and see if the death could be in some way way linked to that intervention.

Vera Slepoj, the psychologist found dead at home: struck down by an illness at the age of 70

It is possible that, for completeness, toxicological tests on the tissues will also be arranged, the results of which however will require at least thirty days of waiting given the laboratory tests. Once the autopsy has been carried out, the authorization for the funeral will also arrive, expected in Padua already last week but postponed due to the hospital examination and then the complaint that pushed the Euganean judiciary to carry out the autopsy. Invited on the evening of June 20th by the president of the Lions Club Jappelli, Sabrina Talarico, to an event at Villa Tevere, in Padua, Vera Slepoj spoke for 20 minutes – instead of the 10 expected – like a river in flood, reiterating the need to think more on the next one. She was cheerful, but at 11.30 pm she said that she preferred to go home to return to her beloved dogs. The neighbors then heard them whining and barking from midnight to 2 am, strangely because they were usually silent, but they thought they were complaining because they were alone.

It was the housekeeper who discovered the misfortune in the morning: Vera Slepoj was in the living room, sitting on the sofa with the dogs watching over her next to her, having been dead for a few hours. Nicknamed the “psychologist of love”, she was originally from Portogruaro, but she was from Padua by adoption. In 1977 she graduated from Bo in Psychology and then began a career full of activities. As president of the Italian Federation of Psychology in the 2000s you intervened on many news events, from the Novi Ligure massacre to the murder of Sarah Scazzi. The rejection of Sailor Moon remains famous, which in her opinion could have compromised the sexual identity of male children.


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