First Council by July 11th. Giunta, the guessing game begins

First Council by July 11th. Giunta, the guessing game begins
First Council by July 11th. Giunta, the guessing game begins

CREMONA – Andrew Virgil is preparing to launch his government team. According to the stages indicated by the legislation, time is running out and the guessing game is heating up. After the official proclamation of the mayor, the second step will see the Presentation of the Board at the first City Council on July 11th without votes of confidence, but with the formal declarations of the various advisory groups evaluating the administrative team. Virgil’s ‘team’ should be composed of nine assessors. The political data is unequivocal and the percentages speak for themselves.

In the first round, of the 13,484 votes received by Virgilio, 7,201 are in quota Pd: more than half. It would mean at least four councilors with the Dem share. Make New Cremona ActiveGianluca Galimberti’s civic list, beats Virgilio’s civic list, Cremona is you, for just fifty votes. But the second is brand new, while the first boasts ten years of activity and has lost about 1,800 votes compared to five years ago. Her ‘weight’ would go from three to two councillors.

Continuity or discontinuity? For now, we know that the new mayor has already announced a partial revolution of the junta, with the exclusion of the councilors who have already served two terms on the council. Out, then, Barbara Manfredini (Trade, Security and Tourism) and Rosita Viola (Social policies). Maura Ruggeri (Education and Human Resources) will not return to the cabinet. Maurizio Manzi (Budget, Innovation and Digitalisation) ran again with Fare Nuova, receiving only 27 preferences, more out of a sense of duty than a desire to continue his political experience. Close to reconfirmation Luca Burgazzi (Culture), record holder of the Democratic Party, thanks to his 344 preferences; Simona Pasqualiwhich would remain in Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Civil Protection and Luca Zanacchi, which would maintain Sports and Neighborhoods. There is already talk of a new department dedicated to the Environment (and Green), a hot topic for citizens.

It should have a role in the council Paolo Carletti, former president of the municipal council – appreciated in this role by the majority and the opposition – and close to Luciano Pizzetti. It seems out of the question that he could occupy the deputy mayor’s seat, intended for a woman.

The keystone of this electoral round was precisely Goatees. Parliamentarian and undersecretary, historic man of the institutions of the Cremonese Democratic Party, this time he led the civic Cremona sei tu in support of the dolphin Virgilio. For him, a role of mediation and representation is envisaged, such as the presidency of the municipal council. He would be a figure of guarantee (it is no mystery that Pizzetti is appreciated on the right and on the left) and, as he has often declared, he could make contacts and relationships built over the decades with Milano e Roma: a nice bonus for the majority. At Education the name is given Roberta Mozzi, former director of Itis Torriani and second only to Viola in the ranks of the Left for Cremona. Relevant unknowns for delegations toUrban planningup to now maintained by Virgil, for which a political name is expected and Balancea heavy and complex department. There are many names that have collected an impressive number of preferences in this round. For Making a new active Cremona, Richard Merli he took 349, Paolo La Sala281, Enrico Manfredini155. In the Democratic Party, the group leader Roberto Poli he received 171. While in the civic body led by Pizzetti, in addition to the 469 preferences which crown the former parliamentarian as the record holder of the session, there is Maria Luisa D’Ambrosioin the Action quota, with 146 votes.

It also goes by the name of Holy Channeloutgoing Pd city councilor, who has given up on running in this round to dedicate himself to organizing Pizzetti’s list. Five years ago, he was in the running for the presidency of the Council, this time he could win a councilorship: it is said to be Security. There is also the issue of gender equality: no less than 40% of the members of the council must be of the opposite sex. Many names, few certainties. What is certain is that the time of ‘civics’in Cremona, seems to be finished.

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