July expected with red dot

July expected with red dot
July expected with red dot

The water crisis gripping Irpinia and a large part of Sannio has not yet entered its most acute phase for over two weeks. In fact, it has not even come close. If the heat and the mugginess do not register a considerable truce, the real problems they will begin towards the end of July and potentially, without a program of widespread interventions on the hundreds of losses recorded, will lead to a much more constant rationalization of the resource. With a strong increase in inconvenience for citizens.

This is stated by the data processed by the High Heat offices on the reconnaissance of the state of supply sources, which compare the current period with the counterpart of previous years. And they show how the progressive decline in flow rates measured by area operators on 14 springs or spring groups is also accompanied by the reduced amount of rain that has fallen so far compared to previous averages. The overall deficit that emerges is worrying and that, for example, for the high sources of Calore, in the Montella area, is -42.6% in April and -44.6% in May of this year compared to the average of Previous 12 years.

The situation is not yet comparable to the 2017 emergencythe heaviest of the last historical period, but the progression of the numbers is alarming, especially if it is related to the trend of rainfall verified in the 17 rain gauge stations managed by the Functional Center of the Campania Region. The cumulative values ​​from October 2023 to May 2024, in fact, show a contribution below the average of the previous 15 years equal to -12%, due to the reduction in rainfall in the months of January, March, April and May, partially offset by the surplus rainfall of last November and February. Only by reading the measurements of the individual sources, however, can we better understand the state of the art of the water crisis and its projections for the months to come, immediately clarifying another new fact: the difficulties, certainly due in part also to climate change, could continue until late October. Based on the monitoring of Alto Calore, the flow rate of the Candraloni source, in the municipality of Montella, in May was 65 liters per second, against the 2011-2023 average of 119.2 l/s.

Mind the estimates of the available resource from June onwards they would practically be half compared to the similar previous measurements: 39.1 against 85.5; 23.2 against 47.5 in July; 13.7 against 27.3 in August; 8.3 against 13 in September; 4.9 against the 9 liters per second of the October average. Things are no better for the Acellica group, still in Montella. Here is the progression of the comparisons between 2024 estimates and previous averages recorded from June to October: 107 compared to 231; 75.5 out of 142; 53.2 out of 94.6; 38 out of 59 and 26.8 l/s out of 48.7. Things do not change when analyzing the Scorzella spring group by comparing the same time references: 63 l/s out of 156; 43.7 out of 97.9; 30.2 out of 55.2; 21.2 out of 29.9 and 14.7 out of 30.7 liters per second.

The report of the Corso Europa subsidiary concludes by examining the Le Fonti source in the municipality of Conza della Campania: 10.6 out of 15.4; 8.9 out of 12.3; 7.4 out of 10.3; 6.3 out of 8.9 and 5.3 out of 8.9 liters per second. In short, the drop in flow rates is massive and evident on the 4 supply sources considered. As is the case in the May surveys on another series of sources, always considering the difference with the average of the period measured between 2011 and 2023. The most significant reductions concern Sant’Elmo in Pontelandolfo -73.1%, Acqua del Pero in Mercogliano -64.8%, Revullo in Montesarchio -43.6 and Acqua del Fabbricato in Guardia Sanframondi -43.5%, just to name a few. Therefore, a truly worrying situation to be monitored with great attention.


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