35 Chernobyl children at the Alassio Colony – ilBustese.it

35 Chernobyl children at the Alassio Colony – ilBustese.it
35 Chernobyl children at the Alassio Colony – ilBustese.it

The Sorriso Children’s Colony in Alassio opens the season on Wednesday 3 July with two new features: one, will host the children of Chernobyl for free, two, the beach will change: no longer the one at the end of the walk towards Laigueglia, but a more central and convenient one.

So the marine structure of the Municipality of Busto Arsizio restarts with a new round and also a new management: from Libertas Imperia, the Rti Residenza Sorriso bimbi passes to Libertas nazionale, effective June 22.

In compliance with the diktats approved by the Municipal Council, the concessionaire offers weekly or variable-duration stays at 381 euros with half board for minors and families residing in Busto Arsizio with some additional benefits such as the elimination of costs for sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach or the full board service for children at the same rate as half board. For non-residents of Busto Arsizio the rates are increased. To organize your stay, contact the manager Andrea Rapa at 375 80 70 746.


Not only Ukrainian children

The municipal administration, in addition to offering accommodation to the children of Chernobyl, will also host 15 minors followed by Social Services for free, guaranteeing the 24-hour presence of educators, travel, food, accommodation and various activities that will take place within the structure. “Therefore, this year the Ukrainian children – explained the councilor for Social Services Paola Reguzzoni – will not be hosted by families from Busto Arsizio, but will arrive tomorrow and immediately leave for Alassio where they will stay for two weeks”.

«We on the board of directors of Aubam – explains the president Antonio Tosi – are very excited to wait with joy the arrival of 35 children from Ukraine together with their companions, for a seaside holiday in the name of serenity and peace. It fills us with joy to think of the great happiness that a child feels in experiencing such a special moment as seeing the sea for the first time.”

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