Suoni Controvento: an eighth edition in the name of social issues

Suoni Controvento: an eighth edition in the name of social issues
Suoni Controvento: an eighth edition in the name of social issues

Not only performing arts Sounds Against the Winda summer festival promoted by Aucma, associated with AssoConcerti, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Umbria Region, the Perugia Foundation and the Cassa di risparmio di Terni e Narni Foundation, also looking at sensitive issues. In this eighth editionwhich will start in Umbria from July 9th to September 8thin fact, for the first time, the collaboration is born “Rai Umbria and Suoni Controvento 2024 for the social” project that will be divided into four moments of reflection and discussion on current issues and topics of great social sensitivity – including disability, sustainability, peace and legality – with the aim of involving and informing the public not only through the arts. The events, which will feature prominent guests, are part of the project “Let’s start again from the territories” and will all be free to enter.

It starts on July 12 at 6 pm at the San Francesco al Prato auditorium in Perugia with the panel “Disability and diversity between sport and work, starting from the territories”. Introduced by Maria Concetta Mattei (director of the Perugia School of Journalism), greetings from the president of the Umbria Region Donatella Tesei, speakers include Alessandra Locatelli (minister for Disability), Paola Fioroni (president of the Umbria Region Disability Observatory), Giuseppe Sangiovanni (director of Rai Pubblica Utilità), Domenico Ignozza (regional president of Coni), Francesca Cesarini (athlete and influencer), Marina Cuollo (Diversity Foundation), Maria Rosi (responsible for School for the Umbria Cip). The event will be completely followed by a LIS interpreter and with an audio description for the blind thanks to Rai Pubblica Utilità.

Diversity and social inclusion, these are the issues at the center of the debate. In sports, at work, in everyday life: diversity becomes surmountable. Surmountable or super-able? Is it possible to go further? Break down physical and mental barriers? Yes, thanks to an emotional education in the name of social inclusion, through institutions, culture, technology, communication and work.
The event will be completely followed by a LIS interpreter and an audio description for the blind thanks to Rai Pubblica Utilità.

Thursday, July 25 at 6 pm at Palazzo Ducale in Gubbio it will be the turn of the panel “Sustainability and green transition, starting from the territories”. Introduced by Roberto Natale (Rai director for Sustainability – ESG), speakers include Roberto Morroni (councillor for Rural Development and vice president of the Umbria Regional Council), Roberto Della Seta (former president of Legambiente), Isabella Malagoli (CEO of Hera Comm Spa), Michela Sciurpa (sole director of Sviluppumbria), Benedetta Pioppi (president of Evaltech), Chiara Biscarini (co-chair of Unesco Chair on Water Resources Management and Colture), Andrea Farinet (president of Pubblicità Progresso).

The crucial theme of the meeting will be the well-being of our region and the environment. A panel to promote sustainable development through renewable sources. Understanding how to be more efficient with our energy and ready for the ecological transition. Many topics will be discussed, focusing on greater environmental, climate and social justice. Marco Tarascio, aka “Moby Dick”, an artist and pioneer of a visual revolution on environmental ethics and the protection of fauna at risk of extinction, will also be there. At the end of the debate there will be a small aperitif and a concert on the notes of Massimo Silverio with “Hrudja” (pre-sales for the concert on TicketItalia and TicketOne).

Saturday 10th August at 5 pm at the Scentinelle pass on the Castelluccio di Norcia pass, a walk will begin to talk about peace and unity between peoples. Today, there is an increasing need to address this issue, with the aim of strengthening and increasing collective work for peace and disarmament. The concert of the Australian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Xavier Rudd will follow (pre-sales for the concert on TicketItalia and TicketOne)

In the end, Friday 6th September at 6pm at the cloister of San Nicolò in Spoleto panel “Legality: Let’s give voice to the last”. Introduced by Maria Grazia Mazzola (special correspondent TG1), greetings from the mayor of Spoleto Andrea Sisti. Speakers include Don Luigi Ciotti (founder of Gruppo Abele and Libera), Fausto Cardella (president of the Foundation and prevention against usury), Fausto Lamparelli (police commissioner of Perugia).

A debate on the rights and value of the social and citizen community. Together to be aware that opposing the mafia is a political, social, cultural and ethical task that concerns the entire civil society. A meeting to give voice to the last, combining hospitality, solidarity with political and cultural commitment. Rai Umbria and Suoni Controvento together with some protagonists linked to the theme, are committed to raising public awareness and understanding how to fight drugs, exploitation, violence, the mafia and usury.

“Suoni Controvento” is included in the “KeepOn Experience” KeepOn Circuit of Festivals and is the founder together with Sounds of the Dolomites (Trentino), Music on the Apuan Alps (Tuscany), MusicaStelle Outdoor (Valle d’Aosta), Soundscapes (Abruzzo), RisorgiMarche (Marche), Sounds of the Murgia (Puglia), Time in Jazz (Sardinia) of the Network of Italian Mountain Music Festivals. It has also received the recognition Umbria culture for family.

Suoni Controvento 2024 is realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Umbria Region, the Perugia Foundation, the Cassa di Risparmio di Terni and Narni Foundation, the Umbria Chamber of Commerce, the Umbria Regional Museums Directorate, the Francesco Morlacchi Conservatory of Perugia, the Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia, Cams – University Center for Scientific Museums of the University of Perugia, Confagricoltura Umbria, Federalberghi Umbria, the Municipality of Assisi, the Municipality of Campello sul Clitunno, the Municipality of Corciano, the Municipality of Costacciaro, the Municipality of Fossato di Vico, the Municipality of Gualdo Tadino, the Municipality of Gubbio, the Municipality of Montefalco, the Municipality of Narni, the Municipality of Norcia, the Municipality of Pietralunga, the Municipality of San Gemini, the Municipality of San Venanzo, the Municipality of Scheggia and Pascelupo, the Municipality of Sigillo, the Municipality of Spello, the Municipality of Spoleto, the Municipality of Stroncone, the Municipality of Terni, the Municipality of Trevi, in collaboration with Regusto, International Airport of Umbria San Francesco d’Assisi, Fiab, University of the Original Men of Costacciaro, Proloco of Costacciaro, Proloco of Sigillo, Proloco Corciano, Proloco Costa di Trex, Proloco Terzo San Severo, Tramontana guides of the Apennines, L’Olivo e la Ginestra, Roompicapo association, Cammini d’Italia, Valsorda Tour, Unitalsi Gualdo Tadino, Occhisulmondo, Danz’Art, Ya Basta! Perugia, Cantina Arnaldo Caprai, Cantina Brugnoni; with the technical collaboration of some private partners and sponsors, in particular Gruppo Hera, Diva International, Ares Safety, , Bahia City Store, Ambrosi Auto, Teamdev, Screen Pharma, Subasio Petroli. Fattoria Creativa is the partner for the communication and promotion of the festival. Radio partner Rai Radio 2. Patronage of Rai Umbria, media partner Tgr Umbria, Rai Pubblica Utilità, Rai per la Sostenibilità – ESG.

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