Electric wheelchair that moves by moving the torso or head wins award

Electric wheelchair that moves by moving the torso or head wins award
Electric wheelchair that moves by moving the torso or head wins award

BELLUNO – The electric wheelchair “Ausilium” made in Belluno, which moves by moving the torso and head, was judged to be the best prototype designed with teamwork. This is how the Belluno students ofIts Academy Meccatronico which is based in Segato defeated the other 49 Venetian teams, and 650 of their peers, taking home the second edition of the event “Mechatronics Passion” which was held yesterday in Vicenza. The post-diploma course is a formative experience: you thus become a mechatronics engineer, the professional figure who deals with the design, installation and functional testing of industrial systems or automated machines and equipment.


All the future Venetian machatronics met yesterday. There were over 650 kids from the 13 locations of the Its Academy Meccatronico Veneto (which will become 20, with 36 classes and over 800 kids starting from next October), 50 competing projects, 7 speakers on the stage of the Teatro Comunale of Vicenza. “Passione Meccatronica” which this year had the title “A synergy that innovates”, was opened by the greetings of the newly elected President of the ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto Francesco Nalini, who in bringing the greetings of the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, wanted underline the following passage: «Its is an increasingly important area that makes electronics, mechanics and information technology interact in a multidisciplinary way, to better automate production processes, but also to obtain energy efficiency and respond to the necessary sustainability”.


There were male and female students enrolled in the first and second year of the Automation and mechatronic systems, Innovation of mechanical processes and products, IT in industry 4.0 courses – courses for which it is possible to enroll for the two-year period 2024-26 by 19 July , with the new course in Design and Technologies of Innovative Materials in Bassano del Grappa. Together with them teachers, entrepreneurs and representatives of bodies and institutions. The highlight of the entire day was the It’s Team Contest which saw 50 competing teams displaying their prototypes in the foyer and competing for the prize for the best Teamworking. An evaluation made by teachers, technicians and entrepreneurs which was based on the criteria of originality and innovation, feasibility, usefulness, sustainability and accuracy and completeness in the presentation of the prototype.


The victory, as mentioned, went to the Belluno branch for the “Ausilium” prototype. In second place was the Vicenza branch of Automazione e Industria 4.0 with “City Vibes”, a prototype aimed at monitoring road traffic in urban areas by regulating the light intensity of street lamps. Third place went to the Conegliano branch for the “Water Fire Guard”, an “intelligent” fire prevention system. The “possible future” was outlined for the students, whose employability rate once they graduate is 99%, by the testimonies of five of their former colleagues, young mechatronic technicians. During the meeting, six scholarships worth 500 euros each were awarded, established in memory of Nicolò Zavatta (the Vicenza ITS student who died in the collapse of the Marmolada glacier on 3 July 2022), to promote Erasmus+ mobility for the most deserving, thanks to the contribution of VIacqua, Athena and Fondazione ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto.
The realization of the second edition of “Passione Meccatronica” was possible thanks to the contribution and patronage of 33 partners including companies and trade associations that supported the event.


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