Catanzaro, viale Isonzo: “Chronicles from the third world”

Catanzaro, viale Isonzo: “Chronicles from the third world”
Catanzaro, viale Isonzo: “Chronicles from the third world”

In Viale Isonzo, in Catanzaro, since 1/6/2024 we have been completely without water service and we are not allowed the inalienable right to have access to a primary and essential good. In the middle of summer. We cannot wash ourselves, clean the house, use the toilet, cook, wash clothes and dishes. Children, elderly, sick, deprived of water.

The municipality continues to make ridiculous excuses, about a phantom ‘excessive consumption’, which is not compatible with the very absence of the service. The truth is that, in the face of a general deficiency, it is always the same neighborhood that pays the price, on the basis of discrimination, as a peripheral and popular neighborhood. As if to say that those who are not lucky enough to live in elite areas do not have the same rights and needs. It is an unparalleled shame that in a regional capital entire areas are deprived of basic services, as in the most inaccessible areas of Africa.

Every now and then, to tease us, they send a trickle of water from 2 am to 6 am, so that we can turn into vampires and live at night instead of sleeping.
Naturally assuming that the inhabitants of these areas do not work during the day and can afford to carry out domestic services in the middle of the night.

There is no emergency number to contact, there is no number answered by someone capable of giving sensible explanations, there is no mayor who listens and finds a solution for his citizens. Everyone washes their hands thoroughly (they have water at home), and run away, leaving thousands of people to live like animals.
We are not beasts. We are human beings.“.

The writer also citing the code points out: “It doesn’t seem to me that there is a law that forces us citizens to equip ourselves with a home autoclave, while it seems to me that there is a law that obliges the water service provider, whether public or private, to do his duty and the interruption of the public service is punished, so the least is to complain“.

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