Gino Sabatini confirmed president of the Marche Chamber of Commerce

Gino Sabatini confirmed president of the Marche Chamber of Commerce
Gino Sabatini confirmed president of the Marche Chamber of Commerce

THE re-elected PRESIDENT Gino Sabatini: «The watchword for this new mandate continues to be the valorization of the economy, businesses and the entire territory of the Marche». The new chamber council has been installed for the five-year period 2024-2029

June 28, 2024 – 2:14 PM

Gino Sabatini

Sabatini 2 begins. This morning, in fact, at the Chamber of Commerce of the Marche, Ancona headquarters, the new Chamber Council for the five-year period 2024/2029 appointed by Decree of the President of the Marche Region took office; the highest chamber of commerce is composed of representatives of the regional production sectors based on the designations of the relevant trade associations. The first act of the new Council was to elect from among its members the President of the Marche Chamber of Commerce; the choice, made unanimously by the assembly, fell once again on Gino Sabatini, who had already led the Institution in the first five years with a regional profile after the unification of the five pre-existing territorial Chambers.

The Chamber of Commerce Council

Gino Sabatini thanked the Council that elected him, and recalled the important work of the Chamber in the complex five years that the Marche institution, the first in Italy in terms of geographical extension and the fifth in terms of number of companies represented, has carried out. «The watchword for this new mandate continues to be, with even more strength and sharing, for the valorization of the economy, businesses and the entire territory of the Marche – declared Sabatini – as we reiterate the concept of business at the center , as a viaticum of this governance. The first five years saw the economic system face unprecedented and truly complex challenges, today we are facing a new world with different priorities and urgencies: one is that of artificial intelligence which we will combine with artisan, commercial, industrial and agricultural intelligence”. On the same wavelength is the President of Unioncamere Andrea Prete, who followed all today’s work and of which Gino Sabatini is Deputy on the national board. «I applaud this re-election and there is no occasion in which it does not bring the Chamber of the Marche as a model of unification: an example of success of which the renewal of the President is a litmus test» declared Andrea Prete recalling that his first public outing as President of the national chamber system, she was a guest of Camera Marche in 2021 at MICAM. Prete underlined how the regional dimension of the Chamber of Commerce has made the organization the first interlocutor of the Marche Region and how the Chambers of Commerce are useful to the extent that they are for businesses.

The President of the Marche Region Francesco Acquaroli also wanted to convey his greetings and best wishes to the President and the new Council. “these have been years of great collaboration in critical moments and we are truly very satisfied with this continuity. The path of comparison and concertation of mutual growth for which I thank the Chamber of Commerce of the Marche is precious, which led us to work together, emerging from the pandemic emergency, to achieve priority objectives for our community with the assets of internationalization, tourism, development of the hinterland in first place. We have triggered together a mechanism recognized as an institutional supply chain which is nothing other than loyal collaboration on the objectives of the community and which has led to the responsibility of all of us administrators. The hope for the coming years is to continue this convergence by capitalizing on the spirit and method matured in the past five years”.

In addition to the Governor, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance was also present Lucia Albanowho underlined the importance of the unitary presence and compactness expressed by the Marche Chamber of Commerce, the Councillor of the Municipality of Ancona Angel Eliantoniowho thanked the Chamber for having consolidated a new dialogue with the regional capital, the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for Repair and Reconstruction Guido Castelliwho placed emphasis on the simplification action carried out by the national and Marche chamber system also in reference to the application of the PNRR and complimented the Marche Chamber’s ability to summarize.

Also present were the President of the Lecce Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of Unioncamere Mario VadrucciChamber of Commerce colleague along the Adriatic coast who spoke about the nodes of the infrastructural system that binds and should bind our territories ever better, the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Marche Gianluca Gregori which brought the key words of the collaboration between the Marche Chamber and the world of research and training: vision, deprovincialization, pragmatism, collaborative institutionality, innovation.

A greeting was also brought by Mark Bruschiniclose to the new ministerial assignment and the President of ANCI Marche Marco Fioravanti who recalled how precious the construction of a socio-economic community in the Marche region, including tourism, is, made possible by the strong collaboration between the Association of Municipalities and the Chamber of Commerce, which together will carry forward a large glocal project.

In this video the numbers and objectives of the Marche Chamber of Commerce. In this slide show the gallery of posters that give an account of some of the initiatives carried out by Camera Marche in the first five years of activity.

«This is a renewal in the name of continuity. Immediately after we took office, we embarked on a process of discussion and consultation, of mutual growth and loyalty towards the objectives we set ourselves and for this I want to thank the entire Chamber of Commerce – the president of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli, said it this morningtaking part in the installation of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce of the Marche that elected Gino Sabatini as president -. Working together we have been able to put in place strategies that have accompanied the Region and the Chamber of Commerce in these years, strategies of loyal collaboration establishing a debate that has been mutual growth. Ours is a small Region in size but large in its history and often characterized by parochialism that risks damaging our image. Having a single Chamber of Commerce, a single interlocutor at regional and national level, has helped us to be perceived differently. This synergy and convergence of objectives is a heritage that must be preserved and protected: now we must be the bearers of the needs of our companies that have had to face too many difficulties, and work together for this fabric that wants to grow. I wish (the Chamber Council) good work”.

CHAMBER COUNCILORS (appointed with Marche Region Decree n.78 of 06/25/2024)

RINGS Catia Trade Representation

ABSENT Sandro Trade Representation

BARONCIANI Alessandra Industry Representation

BERTINI Sandrino Credit and Insurance Representation

BORDONI Moreno Representation Business Services

BRAMUCCI Giacomo Trade Representation

BUGARO Alessandro Trade Representation

CALABRESI Fausto Tourism Representation

CATANA VALLEMANI Camillo Representation of Professional Orders

DI DONATO Innocenzo Representation of Consumer Protection Associations

DI SANTE Tommaso Agriculture Representation

FERRACUTI Marco Representation of Trade Union Organisations

GASTREGHINI Luca Industry Representation

MARIANI Simone Industry Representation

MARINI Doriana Crafts Representation

MENGONI Mariangela Representation of business services

MENICHELLI Giorgio Transport and Shipping Representation

MICUCCI Giuseppe Cooperative Representation

ORLANDI Francesca Industry Representation

PAPALINI Mauro Representation of business services

PESARINI Gianluca Industry Representation

PIERPAOLI Marco Representation Business Services

POLISH Massimiliano Tourism Representation

SABATINI Gino Craftsmanship Representation

SABBATINI Graziano Craftsmanship Representation

SANTI Gianfranco Agriculture Representation

SANTINI Massimiliano Representation Other Sectors

SANTORI Andrea Industry Representation

SERRA Angelo Trade Representation

TOTO’ Lorenzo Craftsmanship Representation

TROLI Natascia Representation Business Services

TRUFELLI Agnese Trade Representation

ZEPPONI Daniela Craftsmanship Representation

President Gino Sabatini between the President of the Chamber of Lecce Mario Vadrucci and the President of Unioncamere Andrea Prete

Gino Sabatini

The president of Unioncamere Andrea Prete


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