Ancona, Gadda ready to sit on the bench. The mayor is pushing for the Serie D consortium

Ancona, Gadda ready to sit on the bench. The mayor is pushing for the Serie D consortium
Ancona, Gadda ready to sit on the bench. The mayor is pushing for the Serie D consortium

Tony Tiong does not deny himself and reiterates unclear concepts, especially not supported by facts, so Daniele Silvetti proceeds on his way. The one that must lead the future Ancona, supported by several teams and with the brands and history of Ancona football, to admission into the next Serie D championship as a supernumerary. As provided for in paragraph 10 of article 52 of the federal regulations. In last Tuesday’s meeting, through his Milanese lawyers, the red and white president, primarily responsible for the sporting bankruptcy of US Ancona dated 4 June, vaguely reiterated his intentions to pay off the company’s liabilities and put the company up for sale. It’s a shame that he didn’t say when he intends to take the first step and when, consequently, the second.

Mister Tiong’s only concrete decision was to renounce the purchase of the land on which the sports center was supposed to be built, an insult within an insult for the city and for all those who believed or worked in it. In addition to the economic damage for the Municipality, which at least retains the 130 thousand euro deposit. All this, together with the back and forth of the last six months, supported by a few bizarre declarations – series B? A league? There was also the Champions League to mention, president – they convinced mayor Silvetti that his path, that of setting up another company, however tortuous, was the safest, given the smoke signals coming from Hong Kong . We don’t know who Mister Tiong will sell his company to, perhaps cleared of its debts but without a championship or prospects. Maybe he’ll make beer with it, since it seems to be his specialty.

What interests Ancona now is something else, heading straight towards the Serie D championship: Silvetti is awaiting communication from the Football Federation with which it will ask the mayor where he wants to allocate the team. The mayor, naturally, after having reached an agreement with the various consortiums that will have to financially support the project, will ask for series D, for which the Football Federation has already made the calculations to ask for from the unborn Ancona: it will be at least 400 thousand euros as a non-repayable grant . To which the 31 thousand euros for the guarantee must be added.

Company to be established with the various roles, money to be paid to the FIGC, registration application to be formalized by next 8th July, and then the establishment of the new team, for which the name of Massimo Gadda has already been explored, who after the season in D in Ravenna he would very willingly land in “his” Ancona with all his staff. There would be his approval and that of a consortium, everything will have to be put in black and white, first the club and the necessary capital – around 1.5 million euros for the first season including non-repayable payment – and then the staff, coach and team. It is a tortuous path, along which Daniele Silvetti has been seeking confirmation for some time, day after day.

Giuseppe Poli

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